Having a good job and a equally good career is very important in every person’s life. A good job is something which gives us satisfaction in terms of work, position and money. Everyone struggles to get a good job and have a good career after completing their education. When will I get a job is the question often asked to the astrologer by people of all age and the frustration is often seen amongst youngsters who are struggling to get a job after completing their education. I have had a lot of people coming to me for queries related to career and job, and many have successfully got jobs as predicted.
Here a Gentleman came to me to ask a query about his career, the query he asked me was, When will I get a job ?
I took his birth details to check the promise of career in his horoscope and also told him to give a number from 1 to 249 to cast a prashna horoscope for his query. I have a habit to combine parashari astrology with Krishnamurti paddhati popularly known as kp astrology which is very accurate often in giving answers to important queries of clients.
The horary number I received from him was 71 for the query “When will I get a job” ? I cast the horoscope as follows :-

The rule is 6th CSL should signify any of the 2,6,10,11 houses for getting a new job. Here the 6th Cuspal sublord is mercury and signifies the following houses as per kp astrology and 4step theory.
Mercury in kp :- 3,11,5,10,12.
Mercury in 4step signifies the follows :-
Mercury in 4step :11
Star lord mars :3,10,11,9
Sub lord Venus : 11
Star lord of sub mars : 3,10,11,9.
So Mercury signifies the required 10 and 11 houses which means the gentleman would get a job.
Now we will take a look at the dasha significations to check the period of getting job, the ongoing dasha on 3 levels was that of Ketu-saturn-Rahu, the dasha should complete the chain of 2,6,10,11 houses to get a job, since no planet represented 2 in the horoscope the chain of 6,10,11 was enough to conclude. The significations of Ketu-saturn-rahu are as follows :-
Ketu : 9,3,10
Star lord ketu: 9,3,10
Sub lord ketu :9,3,10.
Star lord of sub ketu : 9,3,10.
Ketu has 10.
Saturn :
Star lord jup : 12,6,9
Sub lord sat :
Star lord of sub jup : 12,6,9.
Saturn has 6.
Rahu : 3,11,10
Star mars : 3,10,11,9
Sub mer: 11
Star of sub mars : 3,10,11,9
Rahu has both 10 and 11.
This gentleman should get a job now but Saturn was retrograde till 24th july, it is the antardasha lord of prashna horary and also the dasha lord of his birth horoscope co-incidentally and saturn was also aspecting the 10th house of his natal birth horoscope. The dasha in birth horoscope was Saturn-Rahu-sun and it was going to change on 24th july 2014 to moon which was his 10th lord of birth horoscope. I told him that he will get a job after 24th july 2014 when saturn moves in to direct motion as it is the antardasha lord of prashna and also aspecting his natal 10th house. The query was seen on 11th july 2014.
Here is the feedback I received on 26th july 2014,
Jul 26
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Thank you!
It gives an astrologer immense pleasure when the clients give positive feedbacks of your prediction becoming true. The credit off course goes to KP system and the parashari system of astrology which I have always been using for predictions. If you have any queries like this you can contact me on jyotishresearch@gmail.com for consultations related to job and career.
Respected Sir,
I have lost my job on 3rd Sep 2018; reason given – restructuring. I have been employed for the last 20 years with no break. Pls let me know as to when I would get the next job and would I need to travel from my current place to get the job?
I have heard a lot about you in the positive sense. Pls help me as I need to ensure that my kids who are studying do not feel the heat money wise and opportunity wise.
Name :U Maydeo
Dob :07/03/1972
time :1:32pm
place :Mumbai,India
Dear Sir
I am 34 years old stuck with my job & not able to clear interviews . My income is almost equal to expense .Facing mental tension always . Am always worried about future can you please advice
DOB :13-10-83
Time :14:20
Place : Bangalore
Namaste Venkatanatha ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations under career consultations as “Job Query”.
Thank you.
Hi sir,
Name :Venkat
Dob :10th May 1973
time :5.10am
place :Machilipatnam, AP, India
I have lost job in Sept, 2016. till now i did not get a job. please let me know if there is any job prospectus further. if so when will it happen.
Namaste Venkat,
Light deepa with til oil on saturdays in shani temple. Donate tuvar daal on tuesdays and worship Raghavendra swamy and pray for job, you will get a job soon.
Thank you.
Hi sir,
Name :P.Hariss
Dob :29/11/1988
time :10:38pm
place :Madurai,Tamil nadu,India
I have completed B.E EEE in 2010 with 80%.Now 5 years over i done lot of interview no job till now.When will i get job in engineering ?which engineer shall i become?