When Will I get a job ?
With the increasing competitions and inflation today, this is the question many people right from young to old ask an astrologer. Gone are the old times where people used to stick to one job for years and had job satisfaction. Today there are so many career options and specializations available to the youth that there is a chaos in minds of people regarding career choices. People often switch jobs and careers and jump into completely different careers after getting bored of their present career option. Then there is another group which believes in switching jobs in the same career in search of better opportunities, or due to various reasons such as not getting along with colleagues, bad boss, disliking for work etc, sometimes people make bad decisions during their bad times.
Here is one such case, this guy is a friend of mine who after graduating got a job in logistics, he had earlier opted for web-designing where he could not find any great opportunities, Later he landed in a job of logistics where he was doing well for a year or so but did not find it satisfying, hence he left the job and took up a course in software testing as there are very good opportunities in software testing today being an emerging career option. After doing the course he struggled to get a job for another 6 months before he came to me and asked me a question one day,
When Will I get a job ?

I told him to give a horary number from 1 to 249 along with the query.
He gave number 2.
He asked me the query on june 20th 2013, I saw the prashna chart and told him that you will get a job anytime after 20th july 2013 but before august 30th 2013.
10th CSL was mercury and was showing houses 10th and 6th which means he will get a job, but mercury was going to be retrograde soon and will become direct after july 21st 2013.
The Dasha, antar dasha and pratyantar dasha was forming a chain of 2,6,10,11 and was favorable for job but the 10th CSL mercury would retrograde and become direct after july 21st 2013. So I told him that he would get a job after 21st july but before 30th August 2013.
He got a job on 16th August 2013 in the pratyantar of jupiter itself which was signifying 6 along with 10th.