As the USA 2024 Presidential election heats up, the political landscape is charged with tension, ambition and fierce competition. Donald trump and Kamala Harris are the prominent figures in this election. In this article I am going to present Trump vs Harris 2024 astrological analysis for the presidential elections based on the birth horoscopes of both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris along with the transit horoscope. The birth data of both has been taken from the astro databank website.
Donald Trump is a businessman and television personality who entered politics in 2015 by running for the presidential race and he has always been associated with “America first foreign policy”. He Won in 2016 and lost the elections in 2020 and has again announced his candidacy in 2024 seeking a second term.
Kamala Harris on the other hand has a background in Law serving as District attorney of San Francisco and later as the Attorney general of California before becoming a U.S Senator in 2017. She has a progressive stance on many issues and claims to focus on social justice, health reforms, climate actions and immigration. In the presidential election in 2020 Kamala Harris ran for the president but then withdrew her campaign.
At present the public and the polls opinions will fluctuate based on current events, campaign strategies, media coverage and social media marketing of both the candidates. The favorite among the people will continue to evolve as the election approaches and both candidates refine their messages and agendas.
The present national polling statistics shows Kamala Harris having 48% while Donald trump having 47% with Kamala Harris very marginally leading over Trump.

Now we will come to the astrological part and I am going to do the analysis of both horoscopes “assuming” that the birth details of both the candidates are correct to see who has the possibilities of winning the election as per their birth horoscopes.
Trump vs Harris 2024

Donald Trump is born with Leo rising and Moon posited in Scorpio in Jyestha nakshatra pada-4. He has lagna lord sun posited in the 10th house aspected by Jupiter from the 2nd house which is a very good rajyoga for power and status in the society. His moon in the 4th house is in an extremely volatile star at a sensitive point and aspected by mars due to which he is very straight forward and aggressive in his approach. The Rahu/Ketu gripping his moon and sun has put him into a lot of controversial situations.
His horoscope has Venus 10th house lord Vargottama in Karka rashi which is the natural 4th house of the kaal purush kundali. His 4th house has Moon who is the karaka of the 4th house itself and is aspected by mars, you can see the combinations of the planets which brought him into Real estate and made him immensely successful there.
His 10th house lord Venus is with Saturn in karka amsha and is exalted in the dashamansha kundali with saturn and aspected by mars, the connection of saturn and mars to the 10th house lord of birth horoscope in the dashamansha horoscope has probably given him immense success into real estate and television.
Dasha analysis
He is in the dasha of Jupiter which is well placed in the birth horoscope in the 2nd house and aspects the 10th house, it is posited in the 11th house from the chandra lagna and has aspects on the 10th house lord from there as well. But his jupiter is weak in few varga charts especially the dashamansha horoscope.Jupiter is more of a supporting planet in his horoscope aspecting the 10th house and the lagna lord sun giving him the regality and the status he has enjoyed all his life despite the controversies surrounding him.
He is into the antardasha of Venus who is his 10th house lord from the lagna which is good but venus in the 12th house becomes a little weak when it comes to an event like fighting for power and coronation as the president of America.
Transit analysis
The transit jupiter is passing through his 10th house exactly over the lagna lord Sun along with Rahu and it is aspecting his natal moon from there. The 10th house lord Venus is transiting on the degree of Natal moon on 5th November and also gets aspected by jupiter.
Venus also aspects its own 10th house from there in transit and makes a perfect opposition with his lagna lord sun. In my humble opinion this transit of jupiter and venus so exactly close to the luminaries in his natal horoscope is very crucial factor for his victory.
The only transit of jupiter looks very favorable for him giving him protection and possibility of success, Venus’s transit over the natal moon who is the 12th house lord does not seem good but the opposition with the 10th house and the lagna lord can be termed good for success.
Kamala Harris Horoscope analysis

Kamala Harris has made history as the first female Vice-president of the USA as well as the first as the first Black and South Asian vice-president of the United states.
Kamala’s Horoscope does not show any prominent Rajyogas “at the first sight” unlike that of Donald trump, her 10th house lord Jupiter is posited in the 12th house in the sign of Venus and star of Sun and Venus the dispositor of 10th lord jupiter is posited in the sign Leo which is the only explanation I find for her rising to prominence but if you check closely Rahu in the lagna is single handedly causing a Rajyoga in the horoscope.
Rahu’s association with the lagna and its lord in trikona in the 5th house itself makes a big Rajyoga. Rahu is not associated and conjoined with any planet hence he will act as his dispositor mercury. Mercury being the kendra lord in trikona qualifies for Rajyoga hence Rahu qualifies to give Rajyoga through Mercury’s association as its sign lord.
Her success is more explained through the moon chart from where the 10th house lord Saturn is posited in its own sign in the 11th house. Moon is endowed with full strength as it is a full moon and aspected by Saturn, Sun and mercury which makes the Chandra kundali also strong. I have explained the “Importance of Chandra kundali” in a separate article here.
Dasha analysis
She is going through the Major period of Rahu and the Sub period of Venus, Rahu is posited in the ascendant whose dispositor is mercury. From the ascendant rahu makes a rajyoga as it is in the lagna and the lagna lord mercury is in trikona. She rose to prominence mainly in Rahu dasha and Saturn antardasha who are in the 3rd and the 11th house from the chandra lagna or the moon sign, the 3rd and the 11th house are upachaya houses of growth and malefics rahu and saturn have brought her into limelight.
She was elected to the U.S Senate becoming the first Indian-American women in the senate during the Rahu-Saturn period. Rahu-Mercury period in 2020 she ran for democratic presidential nomination making her the first black women to do so, but she eventually suspended her campaign probably due to afflicted mercury with a debilitated sun and aspected by debilitated mars, she did not get the power directly.
She is now running the antardasha of Venus in the mahadasha of Rahu which is a good period as Venus is in Leo which is the sign of the king. But the transits are not very much favorable for her with respect to the dasha.
Most of her Major high profile successes have come in the Rahu dasha confirming that Rahu is giving Rajyoga.
Transit analysis
The transit jupiter which is also her 10th house lord is passing through the 12th house from her rising ascendant which is not very favorable position. The transit saturn is passing through the 9th house though in its own sign, it is not making any prominent contact with the 10th house. From the moon sign Aries the transit of jupiter is aspecting her 10th house capricorn and saturn the 10th house lord is in own sign in the 11th house which is the only positive aspect for her in transit.
The North Node and The South Node (Rahu/Ketu axis) is on her 4th and 10th house in the transit which is not usually favorable, but for her Rahu (north node) being the dasha lord here can act as a favorable planet for her in transit as it is passing through the 10th house of her horoscope.
Transit Chart of 5th November 2024

The transits on the 5th November 2024 Jupiter at 26 degrees Tauras, Venus at 28 degrees Scorpio. Mars is just about a degree having entered in the sign caner. Moon in the sign of Sagittarius and Star of Ketu (South Node) around midnight of 5th are more favorable to Donald Trump as the Key planets Jupiter and Venus very closely conjoin the Luminaries of Trump, Mars is closely conjoining his 10th house lord Venus while Moon in Sagittarius is into sampat star (gains) from the birth star of Trump.
The Final Verdict
Trump Vs Harris 2024 is complicated case to choose a winner from both of them as the horoscope of Donald Trump has a very good transit while that of Kamala Harris has a strong dasha and dashanath rahu giving a strong rajyoga which itself qualifies her to Win the Elections, but her transits at the time of the election are weak from the lagna while good from the moon sign. Based on the transits Donald Trump seems to be winning as the jupiter is particularly very closely passing over his moon and aspecting the 10th house granting him protection and elevation. But based on the dasha analysis Kamala Harris has a clear cut chance of Victory considering her Rahu so powerfully placed and a planet like Rahu is also a karaka in Kaliyuga for giving power and victory.
I would still prefer to be biased a little towards Donald Trump considering his close transits on the day of Election and give the Verdict in the favor of him.
Wow! Congratulations on an excellent prediction. Kudos to you for not getting swayed by the media hype and trusting your jyotish knowledge. Both the dasha and the gochar played their part. But Trump had the slight edge with the gochar.
Keep it up. Hope you grow with leaps and bounds.
Thank you for your kind words Disha :).
Excellent analysis. While other astrologers predict Harris to win you are the only one predicting Trump to win.
Thank you vivek, yes I was expecting Trump to win considering the very close transit of Jupiter and venus his dasha antardasha lords passing through his 4/10 axis in exact conjunction with the luminaries sun and the moon.