The time of transition for the world is ripe as jupiter prepares itself to transit in cancer in 3rd week of june 2014. Cancer is the exaltation sign of the most celebrated benefic planet Jupiter in astrology. The presence of two big planets in exaltation and the movement of rahu/ketu in their own signs kanya and meen respectively may be an indication of triggering a completely new era in the world. Big changes in government and they way of governing may change in the coming time, Saturns movement in scorpio from libra later again indicates 2014 to be a crucial year for changes around the globe and India as well. Transit jupiter in cancer in 2014 will bring about a change in many things especially finance sector, Real estate and sprituality. There will be a change in economic conditions for better gradually as the year progresses, change in laws related to real estate and implementation of many new plans, policies and drafts could be witnessed in the time to come. These changes may take place after some big destruction or war or a big change in government.
Transit jupiter being in exaltation sign cancer will prove to be beneficial for exports, corporate sectors and insurance sectors, Foreign investments in India may increase in the time and Jupiter in cancer will pave a new way for India becoming a stronger country in the world, jupiters entry in cancer in year 2014 will be a start to all these things triggering a new era, the world will become more spiritually inclined and morally upright people will be on a rise slowly, Jupiters entry in cancer and saturns movement from libra to scorpio along with rahu and ketu moving to their own signs virgo and pieces may be an indication of changing world scenarios in the coming 4-5 years especially the times when saturn and jupiter will pass through the Gandaant of jala rashis indicating a big change in coming 3-4 years. The start of all this will happen with Transit of jupiter in cancer the sign of its exaltation in 2014. Birth of some great person may happen in the coming months when jupiter goes to exaltation, saturn is exalted in libra and rahu ketu move into their own rashi virgo and pieces.
The effect of jupiter’s transit in cancer for all the signs is as follows :-

Transit jupiter 2014 for Aries
Jupiter will come to your 4th house shifting your focus on domestic happiness, comforts and family. The first half of 2014 will prove beneficial with respect to purchase of house, property, lands, vehicles as rahu/ketu also move in the 12/6 axis with transit jupiter entering your 4th house in cancer. The movement of saturn in Scorpio will shift your focus on career, change in jobs or sudden ups and downs in career due to transit of your 10th lord saturn in the 8th house and aspect of jupiter on the 10th triggering a double transit, foreign visits could be on cards due to jupiters aspect on 12th house. Some of you could expect sudden gains like inheritance, insurance claims etc, Overall a period of big transition sets in for you.
Transit jupiter 2014 for Tauras
transit Jupiter enters your 3rd house an upachaya house indicating focus on growth, secret agendas and plans for growth being the 8th lord in 3rd (Bhavat Bhavam), the first half could give some health troubles and issues with siblings as saturn aspects jupiter from the 6th house, As saturn moves to vruschik your emotional bonding with your partners will strengthen, and there could be religious journeys towards the end of this year or early 2015 as the double transit will focus energies on 9th house, it is the time to expand your vision and think big now. Jupiters aspect on 7th and 11th will also give gains from friends and business, your social circle will increase for your own good.
Transit jupiter 2014 for Gemini
Time to focus on Finance, Family and career. Transit jupiter entering your 2nd house will bring financial stability, focus on career and money, You will get opportunities in career, elevation, promotions are on cards, celebrations, functions in family along with success in competitions is also seen. Saturns entry in the 6th could upset your health on account of too much eating, so you should be controlling your eating habits.
Transit Jupiter 2014 for Cancer
The king of good times is here to stay in your ascendent, transit jupiter enters cancer in june 2014, being the 6th lord in lagna it could prove bad for your health as it may tend to make you obese (good for those who want to become fat), aspecting your 5th, 7th and 9th house will make you spiritual and religious, It will improve relationship with your spouse and partners, aspect on 5th and 9th shows that it is a period for you to go out and learn, gather knowledge, wisdom, spirituality, good for those expecting progency, youngsters should try for higher education and old people to gain wisdom and knowledge through spirituality. Ketu’s entry in meen and jupiters aspect on 9th on meen rashi is a sure shot indicator of good spiritual progress and religious journeys ahead.
Transit Jupiter 2014 for Leo
Time to invest in property and leisure trips abroad, Jupiters entry in cancer is 12th for your ascendent/moon sign which indicates that this is a good time for you to delve deeper in spiritual pursuits, saturn’s Entry in scorpio is a good time to invest money in land and property. Foreign journeys could be on the card along with changes in job front as jupiter saturn aspect the 6th house later this year. 12th Jupiter shows expenditure of money on good things like charity, religious ceremonies, donation of food and clothes, such things will give you good results.
Transit jupiter 2014 for Virgo
Woo hoo ! Time for Gains, financial prosperity is on cards as transit jupiter enters your 11th house in cancer, Many of you looking forward to get hitched or married will find themselves blushing in love and getting tied in the wedding knots. The double transit of saturn and jupiter later this year is also very good for those expected progency, quick marriage and child birth by the end of 2015 both will probably happen for you, This is the best transit for you as two big planets in the kaama trikona (3,7,11) giving fulfillment of desires.
Transit jupiter 2014 for Libra
Librans be ready to get pushed towards new horizons, Transit jupiter in cancer brings a new horizon for you giving a kick-start to your career, new direction, new start, fame, recognition, success, wealth all will be on cards with two exalted gaints in kendra influencing your 10th house of career and karma. Saturn and jupiter are sure to turn your life for better with the changes in signs later this year. jupiter and saturns aspect later on the 4th house will also give change in residence or good opportunities to invest in property or buy a house. Family life and financial prospects will improve tremendously, Over all a good time for you guys !!!

Transit jupiter 2014 for Scorpio
Jupiter’s transit in 9th house of luck for you will start turning the tides in your favor slowly with the blessings of a guru, a guide or even your father, For those having scorpio ascendent, worship will bear fruits and bring on the grace of god, time for rise of fortune gradually, saturns in entry in scorpio and rahu/ketus movement on 5/11 axis will give you relief from pressures of loans, financial troubles, slowly things will start improving for you, be sure to worship your guru, father or your favorite diety and be rest assured that it will bear fruits. Perform pooja or your kul-devta as jupiter the 2nd lord is exalting in the 9th house of religion, spirituality. Those thinking about higher education can go ahead with their plans.
Transit jupiter 2014 for Sagittarius
Jupiter transits your 8th house in its exaltation sign cancer. Being the lagna lord in 8th house does not augur well from health perspective, you may waste your energies in unnecessary things, your interest in yoga, occult sciences ayurveda etc will grow on the positive side, this jupiter is very good for spirituality being in the 8th house, it aspects the whole moksha trikona from here (4-8-12). Saturns entry in scorpio your 12th may bring opportunities to travel abroad, make religious trips, investments abroad, some of you may gain through inheritance.
Transit jupiter 2014 for Capricorn
Jupiter transits your 7th house in its exaltation sign cancer, a very good time for those who are contemplating on marriage. Saturn entering your 11th house later being aspected by jupiter is a very good time to start new ventures, gains in business, financial prosperity can be expected from the end of this year. Many of you will focus energies on rebuilding self as jupiter and saturn aspect the lagna after november 2014.
Transit jupiter 2014 for Aquarius
Jupiter transits your 6th house in june 2014 which is good for job, money and family front but will increase your expenses by aspecting the 12th house as saturn will later join 10th and aspect 12th. Do not fight with your friends, there is a possibility of having tiffs with your friends and family members, you should make efforts to avoid that, do not spoil your relations and over-eating may spoil your health resulting in stomach issues. Focus your energies on career growth and financial gains, Invest in relationships and maintain them. It is good period w.r.t career and financial growth, some of you may get opportunities to go abroad.
Transit jupiter for Pieces
Jupiter transits your 5th house in cancer in 2014, it is a good period for students to excel in studies, those in field of creativity, movies, direction will get very good ideas and excel in creative fields, success, recognition for those in creative careers is assured, inflow of money is seen as aspects 11th. Jupiter in 5th will prove good for sadhana, meditation, spiritual progress and blessings of guru. Those expecting progency will have good news soon :). Overall a period for inner growth for Pieceans.
Disclaimer :- These are very general predictions related to transit jupiter 2014 in cancer and actual results may vary according to the promise in your horoscope and other combinations, Each horoscope is unique and should be seen in detail for overall results along with dashas and other factors which gives more accurate results, I hope this transit of jupiter in cancer in the year 2014 blesses you all and brings happiness and joy in your life.
Sir, I am suprio chakraborty.
I am jobless since march 2014. I read in many site that jupiter is transiting on 18 June and there
will be all good news for capricorn. I am still jobless struggling, depressed an in severe financial problem.
Can you pls tell me is this a permanent trend in my life ? or is there any ray of hope.
My dob is 04 june 2014, Place : Darbhanga (Bihar) , time : 19:20.
warm regards,
Greetings Supriyo ji,
Please opt for paid consultations.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
Hello sir,I am Gunjan Joshi,29 the of june1980 birth year,10.40am and place ahmedabad…kindly let me know will I get married this yearyear??as lots of hurdles in getting married??
Namaste Gunjan ji,
Sent you an email, please opt for paid consultations, we can check the probable marriage period with KP prashna and your birth chart combined.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.