C-section Muhurat Myths and Facts

Becoming a parent carries a lot of sentimental value, your child is an extension of your own self and all parents want their children to be very happy, healthy, successful and get the best in everything right from education, career, marriage and financial success. A good C-section Muhurat can help you achieve this to a good extent. Today 8 out of 10 child births happen through c-section which is a very high rate due to various factors like late marriages, late child planning, inability of having normal delivery due to Read More …

Shubh muhurat for Cesarean delivery

Shubh muhurat for cesarean delivery All parents wants their child to be born on auspicious time. Everyone wants their children to be health, happy and lucky in terms of wealth, career, education and overall general life. Cesarean delivery gives you the freewill to choose birth time as per your preference within the limited boundaries, but is it so easy to find shubh muhurat for cesarean delivery? Does a shubh C-section Muhurta ensure all good for the new-born? Well, It depends on a lot of factors. Keep reading this post to Read More …