Shubh muhurat for cesarean delivery
All parents wants their child to be born on auspicious time. Everyone wants their children to be health, happy and lucky in terms of wealth, career, education and overall general life. Cesarean delivery gives you the freewill to choose birth time as per your preference within the limited boundaries, but is it so easy to find shubh muhurat for cesarean delivery? Does a shubh C-section Muhurta ensure all good for the new-born? Well, It depends on a lot of factors. Keep reading this post to know more about selecting Auspicious time for C-section.
The planetary positions during a certain month/week is fixed which tells us that certain things are pre-destined according to past karmas of the jeeva to be born on this earth. There is hardly any good time available when some clients approach for C-section muhurta while others are lucky to get ample of good timings due to availability of auspicious position of planets during the period they approach me.
The Astrologer has to check all 12 ascendants for all days, check planetary combinations in rashi and navamsha, moon sign, dasha patterns, navamsha positions etc to find shubh muhurat for cesarean delivery.
C-section Muhurat is not something where you start a new work or ceremony on auspicious time.
The time chosen for birth of a baby is not a muhurat in real sense, it is very much more than that, it is a blueprint of his past, present and future karmic pattern where one selects a favorable planetary position and birth horoscope which is the foundation for lifetime.
Should C-section Muhurat be chosen irrationally without considering planetary position, navamsa, dasa pattern, panchang shuddhi ?
The answer is obvious “NO”.
Shubh muhurat for cesarean delivery is not only restricted to just selecting a good day or tithi for birth of child.
It does not mean that a child born on day of “Akshay tritiya”, “Ganesh Chaturthi”, “Janmastami” or “deepawali” will have a bright future. Neither does it mean that a child born in Rahu kaala will have a bad future. These things are more of panchanga shuddhi based on soli-lunar yogas and have nothing to do with the planetary positions on these days.
The Normal muhurats like Pooja Muhurat, Marriage Muhurat, Education Muhurat are chosen as good muhurta for specific event only and they repeat again every year. A Muhurta of house warming or marriage is quite different from choosing auspicious time for C-section. These Muhurats are for certain event only.
A child is born only once, he does not have choice to go back in womb and take birth at a good time again, the planetary position which is present at his birth time reveals the entire life pattern, karmic blueprint or destiny of the jeeva taking birth which is why Shubh muhurat for cesarean delivery is to be chosen properly with due care.
The fact is good children are result of your previous purva janma punya, the 5th house itself shows the fruits of your past karmas. The first 12 years of the child are dependent on the past and present karmas of the parents, the good and bad events happening are dependent on their karmas as well.
The child is dependent on parents in the first 12 years until jupiter completes one cycle over all the planets. You cannot have an extra-ordinary child unless your own horoscope promises one.
The planetary positions in certain months when the delivery is due are fixed. Moon remains in one sign for 2 and a quarter day approximately, it remains in one nakshatra for 1 day and one nakshatra pada for 6 hours. This period defines the dasha pattern for entire life.
The position of moon and the influence of planets on moon good or bad define the mental make-up or psychology of the child, the position of planets from moon and lagna hold equal importance it is rarely good and excellent from both angles unless one is really lucky to be born in such period.
The nabhas yogas, kemdruma, sunapha, anapha and durudhara yogas depend on the moon position. Read the importance of Chandra kundali here.

The ascendant is the pivot and the base of the child born and indicates the direction and energies of planets good or bad in this life. The planetary position from Ascendant, Moon and the sun hold the key to unlock the mysteries of the horoscope. All 3 will never be good.
When one talks of pancha mahapurush yogas they should be equally there from ascendant, moon and sun to operate in full.
The dasha pattern further reveals whether the child born will experience the result of those yogas in this life or not. Having a self placed venus in birth horoscope and exalted in navamsha but having no dasha of venus in the entire life time is like wasting half the potential of the horoscope. A perfect situation is almost non-existent.
The navamsha horoscope reveals the intrinsic strength of the planets. The ascendant in navamsha changes within 10-15 minutes depending on seasons and location, this further makes a big impact. So can a generally suggested 2 hour time frame hold completely good?
A planet exalted in birth chart but badly placed in navamsha under debilitation or under malefic influence or in 6/8/12 is unable to give its result fully. Does anybody care to do such indepth analysis.
Any time selected as shubh muhurat for cesarean delivery can alter your destiny only upto 25% and not more than that, as it is not possible to select a flawless muhurta.
Birth usually takes place during month when the planetary position for entire month is fixed and not in our control. We can only minimize the negatives and try to get maximum positives within the given conditions.
Much of destiny is often fixed and some can be changed with our karma and freewill, only blessing of a saint can change your entire destiny but that will only happen if you have amassed lot of punya. The right guidance helps to bring the right change and only the right person can offer you that.
Some delivery and due dates come at times when planets are badly afflicted like venus+ketu, Mars+rahu, Jupiter+Rahu, Saturn+Mars, Moon aspected by all malefics, Venus/moon/mercury with malefics or hemmed between malefics, such positions are there for many days or weeks or months, good planets in birth chart but completely bad in navamsha.
Does anyone have control over such births during bad planetary positions?
It is the destiny that the child is born at such time irrespective of all the precautions. It takes a lot of energy and hard work to find good time during such days in all the bad planetary positions which cannot be changed.
Astrologers take bad karma of the soul into their account when they interfere with destiny of the child coming in this world. So please do not waste your and my time by asking free muhurta or discounts. There are fixed charges for it and I prefer to not take more than 5-10 consultations per month as it is very very energy consuming process.
All 12 ascendants are rotated/checked again and again, Each navamsha rising for all ascendants is checked minutely, the dasha pattern, planetary position, the yogas, the sub lords, the significations of planets, etc are checked again and again to find and note the auspicious timings.
Then, there are last minute changes in many cases where complications arise or birth happens before the due date which adds to the additional workload. Nothing is deliberately or loosely done just for the sake of it. I always do it thinking, what if I am about to have a child and I had to choose the timing during these available days.
It is always better to let delivery happen naturally than choosing “Free Auspicious Cesarean Muhurat Timings” posted on websites since they are not based on any studies or understanding impact of planetary positions. They are just general timings posted on basis of almanac or general planetary position for certain ascendant.
Note: It is best to consult 15 days or 1 month prior to delivery due date than consulting at the last moment which limits your choices. The earlier you contact us the more chances of getting more shubh muhurat for cesarean delivery.
Read my other posts on C-section Muhurat myths and facts and Importance of Conception Muhurat which might be interesting for our readers.
For C-section Muhurat drop an email to or get in touch with me on WhatsApp here. I have been giving Auspicious C-section Muhurat and have excellent track record as all children born have turned out good so far with god’s divine grace.
Below is one of my client’s testimonial, He took C-section birth Muhurta from me for both children. It makes me very happy and satisfied to see such feedbacks. You can find more on my instagram profile here.

What happen if I conceive 13day of my periods? And if yes what to do next?
Namaste Seema ji,
Your query is not clear, what exactly do you want to ask ?
How does it matter even if you conceive on any day ? Its good that you have conceived and you can look forward to a beautiful feeling of becoming a mother.
Follow Garbhadhaan samskara procedures to have a good healthy child.
You can see this book on Garbha sanskar to know more about what to do before and during pregnancy.
I saw in some Garbh Sanskar books Day 13 is not good or varjit (in hindi) for
These are very general rules, there is nothing to worry about. The birth horoscope of the child will decide the blueprint of his life. Till then for getting/developing good qualities/sanskaras as long as the child is in the garbha you are advised to follow the Garbha sanskar right from conception to delivery. It will help to shape up his personality immensely. Having a good atmosphere, good mood and cheerful & spiritual disposition of mother helps to have a good child.
Thank you so much sir ji. I am 2 month pregnant now, if doctor suggest me to do c-section, I will contact you for the right muharat ???
Definitely Seema ji. You are most welcome.
Namaste Ashish Ji
Request your advice for
C section muhurata between 9-15 March, 2021. This is owing to complications and early procedure likelihood. Location : Moradabad, UP
Thank you
Wanted to know a shubhmuharat for a C Section delivery between Jan n1st 2020 to Jan 10th 2020 . What would be the charges and what is the process
Dear Sairam,
I have emailed you the consultation details and process for Shubh C-section Muhurat in January 2020.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
C section muhurtam for baby between June 16th to June 25th 2019
C section muhurtam for baby between March 20th to March 25th 2019
Namaste Hareesh ji,
I have sent all the c-section consultation details on your email, kindly check the same.
Thank you
Ashish Desai
I need muhurtham for c section in between march25th 2019 and march 31st
Namaste Revathi ji,
Consultation Details sent on whatsapp.
Thank you.
Wife’s delivery is proposed between March 4th – 8th 2019.
But my Dad’s Death Anniversary is falling on 6th March.
Can you help me get the appropriate time for Ceserean birth ?
Also, please let me know what is the amount I need to pay (Bank account or Paytm)
My DOB – 10-Apr-1974, 6:40 am, Vijayawada, A.P
Wife DOB – 7-Jan-1984, 7pm, Kakinada, AP
Namaste Yarlagadda ji,
I have reverted with all details on your email. We will check the c-section Muhurta accordingly, if the planetary positions are auspicious on 6th March we can consider it otherwise we will not consider it.
Thank you.
Please provide detail for C section child birth delivery in feb month from 10 feb till 26 feb 2019
Namaste Akash,
Details regarding Shubh C-section muhurat for February 2019 have been emailed to you.
Thank you
How much time you will take once we make payment do you consider father and mother DOB and nakhsathra ?
Need information what’s the best day within coming 15 days
Namaste Bharat ji,
I have replied with all required details to your email id. Kindly check the same.
The average response time is 2-5 days depending on the emergency and requirement of client. If you have an emergency situation we can give shubh muhurats within 24-48 hours.
Thank you.
Please revert back with contact information and fees
Namaste Srinivas ji,
All consultation Details have been sent to your email.
Thank you.
Looking at 28th jan-3rd feb 2019 for baby birth in Mumbai. Kindly guide regarding a good muhurat for delivery n also the fees.
Thank u
Namaste Mathur ji,
Kindly opt for Paid consultations by Choosing C-section Muhurta 2019.
Thank you.
Please provide details.
Namaskar Abhijeet,
Details have been sent to your email.
Thank you.
Hi Sir,
What is the fees to find out auspicious date and time for Caesarean birth.
Namaste Anuj ji,
All Details regarding c-section muhurat have been sent to your email long back.
Thank you.
What would be the charges for giving auspicious time for delivery.?
Namaste chakravarthy ji,
Consultation charges for C-section Muhurtam have been sent through email.
Thank you.
Wanted to know a shubh muharat for a C Section delivery this month. What would be the charges and what is the process?
shubh muhurat for cesarean delivery in December’18
Sir i need a subh muhurat between 12 to 14th of feb 19 plz send me
Namaste Souvik,
I have sent all details related to Shubh Muhurat for C-section 2019 February.
Kindly check the same.
Thanks and Regards
Ashish Desai.
What is the fees for telling shubh muhurat for cesarean delivery.
Namaste Megha ji,
I have sent the details to your email, Kindly check and revert.
Thank and regards,
Ashish Desai
What will be fess for suspicious c section shbh mhutata.
NAmaste Sinha ji,
The consultation charges and other details have been sent to your email address. Kindly check and revert.
Thank you,
C section muhurtam for baby between Oct 27 to Nov 17 2019
Details regarding c-section Muhurta consultation have been sent to your email. Kindly check your email for for the same.
Thank you.
What will be fess for suspicious c section shbh mhutata.
Namaste vilas ji,
I have reverted with the consultation details to your email id. Kindly check the same.
Thank you.
Hello… do you do birth time rectification? If yes, how long is the process and what are your charges? Thanks
Namaste Sumi,
Yes I do birth time rectification. It takes around 3-5 days to revert back with the analysis.
Thank you.