Saturn transit in Scorpio 2014 has finally drawn closer as saturn prepares to exit Libra his exaltation sign after completing his 2 and a half year stint of giving justice and bringing a revolution by bringing downfall of the sinners and appointing new heirs to rule the kingdom. Many high and mighty have been seen to end the journey of their life on the earth during the last 2 and a half years of saturns stay with rahu in Libra. The last 3 months especially from July to September when Mars entered to join the combination of saturn and rahu created many troubles and turmoils in the life of people, the order of chaos is going to continue till november 2014 as the conjuction of saturn, mars, the retrograde motion of Mercury, the eclipses and the combustion of venus have lined one after the other to cause too much disturbance and confusions in life of people, Much is lost in the battle of planetary wars in the past few months.
All this Will come to an end with the saturn transit in Scorpio 2014 making way for new beginnings, the mistakes of the past will be repaired and things may be started all over again with a new hope, new vigor. The justice has been imparted, faces exposed, truth uncovered. Now saturn will enter scorpio and bring in stabilization and new beginnings for everyone, it will be a very good period for the coming 6-8 months initially as jupiter will be aspecting saturn till June 2015 and everybody can expect good things to happen with them in the initial transit. Stabilizing the chaos will be the primary motive and balance will be achieved. Later Jupiter will move to Leo and be under aspect of saturn and meet rahu within coming 2 years again creating a bad period for some months.
The mantra for upcoming transits is change, balance, prosperity, new law and order, new inventions, Scorpio being an underground sign, the natural 8th house may bring focus on underground things, exposing scams, underground things like oil, petrol, coal, diamonds, minerals, fossils etc will gain prominence, the business or demand for the same will rise and new discoveries/resources can be expected. New achievements will be on radar for the globe. The law and order will be made better, the water signs having both jupiter and saturn initially may cause good rains in the upcoming year along with floods and epidemics, natural calamities may also occur next year on the account of the same as two big planets have taken the role of swiping out the dirt from the earth and restoring peace and harmony with new beginnings, India will slowly rise to power in the coming times with a great leader like Narendra Modi. The focus on development in infrastructure, real estate, industries, employment opportunities will be visible in the next 6-8 months itself as both saturn and jupiter will aspect the natural 10th house Capricorn in the zodiac sign, there will be downfall of some high and mighty on account of natural 10th lord saturn transiting through the 8th house of zodiac. Occult sciences, vedic traditions, yoga, ayurveda etc may be revived and gain prominence in the coming time, we are slowly entering the Vedic age. This transit will prove life changing for those born with saturn in Scorpio in the natal horoscopes.

Saturn Transit in scorpio 2014 for the zodiac signs.
Saturn transit in scorpio 2014 for Aries – It is the astama shani for you, saturn transiting through the 8th house will bring sudden changes in career and business for you, unexpected losses and gains can be expected, a time for transformation is seen for you. It is a learning period for Aries people. Be careful about accidents whenever Mars and Saturn make a close conjunction, those having favorable saturn in their horoscopes could expect changes for better.
Saturn transit in Scorpio 2014 for Tauras – Saturn transits the 7th house from your zodiac sign and jupiter aspects the 7th from cancer making a favorable period for marriage for you people, saturn in 7th however can cause misunderstandings with your partners, business associates due to lack of communication. Its a good time for expanding your business or starting a new venture though.
Saturn Transit in Scorpio 2014 for Gemini – Saturn transits your 6th house and will give you good opportunities w.r.t job, career. Enemies might increase but you will gain victory over them in the end, take care of your health and start exercising daily, there may be legal issues for a few people so be careful in your dealings.
Saturn transit in Scorpio 2014 for Cancer – Saturn enters your 5th house causing misunderstandings with the loved one’s, creating disturbances in education and studies, a good time to conceive and have children and marriage since saturn covers 5th and 7th house both and jupiter is aspecting the 7th, it is a good period for those looking to get married till 2015 June. Be careful with your pregnancy as saturn is also the 8th lord transiting your 5th, Focus more on studies and creative activities.
Saturn transit in Scorpio 2014 for Leo – You have a good time to make investments in properties and vehicles, saturn transiting your 4th house will give opportunity to buy new house, vehicle, inheritance as long as jupiter aspects the 4th house, those looking to go abroad may get opportunities. Those suffering from Heart ailments need to be careful as saturn aspects Leo your lagna which rules heart and also placed in the 4th house representing heart at the same time. Take control of your health.
Saturn Transit in Scorpio 2014 for Virgo – Congratulations guys as you end your 7 and a half year cycle of shani sade-sati, time for rise in life as saturn gears to enter an upachaya house the 3rd house of your horoscope, put on the gears and be ready to take on your life with new beginnings, those looking to have children have a favorable period now, earnings will increase in the coming time with efforts and hard work, start working as you are free now.
Saturn Transit in Scorpio 2014 for Libra – Hush !!! The task master along with Rahu has left the grip over you after giving very hard lessons, make sure you do not make those mistakes again and keep working. Saturn enters your 2nd house and the last phase of sade-sati begins, you will do very well financially even inspite of being under the influence of sade-sati. You can expect to see your life improving tremendously with respect to career, finance, family life. Keep control on your expenses as rahu has gone to the 12th house to your zodiac and your sign is under paap kartari of rahu and saturn right now, So do not enter the wrong area unless you get entangled in some legal issues.

Saturn transit in Scorpio 2014 for Scorpio – Withdraw your stings oh mighty scorpions, saturn the strict task master has entered your zodiac sign beginning the second phase of sade-sati for you. Learn to be humble, forgiving, helpful to others. Having ahamkara or ego will become the reason for your downfall if you do not learn to lie low and be humble. Saturn will make you work hard in your career and make a provision for earning good achievements in the coming period, fame, recognition, success awaits you if you behave properly in the coming time. Learn to be good with your subordinates and bosses, make good contacts, keep people happy and focus on your goals is the key for you.
Saturn transit in Scorpio 2014 for Sagittarius – Saturn enters the 12th house of your zodiac which is an indication of the beginning of sade-sati for you. “Barava Shani ati Krur sthani” is the saying which means 12th house for saturn is the worse. Put control on your expenses very seriously, do not risk investing money in ventures as there is a risk of downfall for you. Be very calculative and practical in the coming period with respect to finance, learn to respect and save money. Have control on your speech and make sure not to hurt your own people. There will be good opportunities for you to travel abroad. Avoid getting into legal hassles and bad practices it will boomerang on you.
Saturn transit in Scorpio 2014 for Capricorn – Finally the bad transit of saturn and rahu in the 10th house has come to an end, the downfall in career and business will come to an end, new beginnings, new ventures, gains, financial prosperity can be expected in the coming time. Move ahead in your life now forgetting the foregone, make new beginnings, new relationships await you, time for fulfillment of all your wishes.
Saturn Transit in Scorpio 2014 for Aquarius – Saturn enters your 10th house, its an excellent period for those in law, judiciary fields, the rest of the people will have a slow but steady growth in career, do not let laziness affect your work and performance else you might suffer. Those looking to marry have chance from next year june onwards, Rahu in the 8th house needs to be taken care off, pay attention to your health especially stomach and blood pressure issues.
Saturn Transit in Scorpio 2014 for pieces – Out of the disaster finally, saturn and rahu in the 8th may have caused all the untold miseries in your life. Time to fly high and take a free breath now, Saturn moves in the 9th house of your zodiac and will accelerate your luck with the aspect of jupiter on the 9th and lagna. Reinvent yourself, you are now a transformed soul, enjoy the life, good time awaits you with respect to wealth, fame, journeys etc.
May this Saturn transit in Scorpio bring peace, prosperity and harmony in everyone’s life. Welcome to the Vedic age.
“Aum Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya”