Rare Planetary alignment 2025

Howdy people, I am back to writing on the blog after a very long long time, there is a very interesting phenomena happening in the last week of March 2025, 6 planets will be conjoined in the sign of Pisces with 2 eclipses also taking place in the month of March 2025. It is one of the very rare planetary alignment 2025 which happens once in many years.

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The combination of Saturn and Rahu which is a very rare planetary alignment will be taking place from March 30 to May 18th 2025. Two back to back eclipses Lunar eclipse 14th March and Solar eclipse 29th March are taking place. But more than that, a conjunction of 6 planets on 30th March 2025 will be taking place in Pisces sign for a day when moon also gets involved in this just after amavasya tithi. This is going to be a very interesting period and a very eventful period for the world events as two back to back eclipses and 6 planet conjunction happen in March 2025.

Some more interesting combinations adding fuel to this fire are as follows:

  • Lunar eclipse on 14th March + Sun and Saturn conjunct.
  • Solar Eclipse + Amavasya tithi on March 29th + Saturn and Moon Conjunction.
  • Saturn + rahu + venus + mercury conjunct.
  • Mercury retrograde.
  • Venus retrograde.
  • Mars is having a long stay of 9 months on Gemini and Cancer signs from October 2024 to May 2025.

Let us analyze the effects of this combination in the Mundane astrological perspective.

Mars stay for longer duration in 2 signs Gemini and Cancer for 9 months is indicative of a war like situation which is already going on, the war will continue to happen for probably a few years to come in my humble opinion upto the year 2032 to be precise.

The saturn+rahu conjunction nearing indicates the gulf countries and the muslim world fighting with each other leading to destruction which has already been happening, it may take a more ugly shape by the end of March-April 2025 triggering off big destructive wars. The sign of Gemini is a sign of communication, mars in this sign at present justifies the series of pager blasts (use of communication device) in Lebanon on the members of Iran-backed militant group Hezabollah. This will continue further with the deaths of many more leaders of such groups.

Saturn+Rahu also indicates a possibility of civil unrest like the one we saw in Bangladesh recently. Saturn+Rahu mostly indicates the M community. This will be a very difficult time for them and there will be some serious destruction possible.

The stock markets in my humble opinion will make a bottom by the 2nd quarter of the next year 2025, the process may begin from the last quarter of this year with stocks slowly beginning to slide down before a crash which may happen in the 2nd quarter of 2025 especially from March 2025 to June 2025.

There can be news of cyclones in the sea, destruction due to oil wars and some bad impact on the oceans, this will lead to illness from water pollution, the next wave of health problems or diseases could be water based. The Saturn+ketu conjunction in 2020 brought Covid, now Saturn+Rahu needs to be watched, it will surely lead to some endings leading to new beginnings after Saturn’s entry in Aries to usher a new era.

The impact of this rare planetary alignment 2025 on all the 12 signs.

The signs Pisces, Leo, Libra, Aries and Virgo can be the most affected signs, but it will leave an impact on on the 12 signs. The intensity of this rare planetary alignment will be more or less depending on the planetary positions in the individual horoscopes of people.

Purvabhadrapada nakshatra people should get Navagraha shaanti homa or Ayushya Homa or Sudarshan homa done for protection as this combination happens in your Janma nakshatra.

3 padas of Purvabhadrapada nakshatra comes in Kumbha rashi and 1 in Meena rashi.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Aries

The combination happens in your 12th house, you are advised to avoid taking risks and going on adventures as this can turn fatal for some of you if you have some other bad planetary combinations in your horoscope. This period around March-April 2025 could spell financial disaster for you if you are taking big risks. Avoid taking financial risks as well, It would be better to avoid planning anything around this period and stay low as possible as you can, there can be some misunderstandings with spouse or health issues to spouse. The Lunar eclipse happening in your 6th house tells you to be careful about your health and solar eclipse happens in your 12th house leading to waste/loss of energy and expenses in fruitless pursuits and wandering. Save your energy and enthusiasm for the next 3 months and stay low.

Remedy – Recite Hanuman chalisa 7 times daily for 2 months March and April 2025.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Tauras

This combination happens in your 11th house, though malefics here are very good, you may have some misunderstandings with some friends or colleagues. This can be a very good period for some of you in terms of gains, exponential gains can happen to some of you. The lunar eclipse happening in your 5th house could make you take some bad decisions in the middle of the March while it could also give you some tensions about studies/children. The solar eclipse happening in the 10th house can mean some challenges in your career/professional areas during the last week of March 2025. Stay alert during this period and protect your job by not doing anything stupid. There may be disappointments in relationships/love matters, some of you may be tensed about children. Since venus your sign lord is retrograde and conjunct saturn+rahu women of this sign are strictly warned not to venture into unknown territory this can be very bad for you as it indicates danger from low class people. Financially this period can be good for you, you can try lottery or taking little risk in speculation, only risk something you can afford to loose.

Remedy – Donate fried food and clothes to poor and needy, Go to hanuman temple and light deepam daily and pray for well-being. Recite shiva mantra or stotra daily and visit shiva temple if possible in month of March.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Gemini

The combination happens in your 10th house, this could be a challenging and stressful period for you in your professional area. Some of you may face sudden job loss or you may be forced to do something against your wishes. watch your actions in this period, do not do something to hurt someone which can haunt you later. The Lunar eclipse happening in the 4th house of your horoscope indicates that you may loose your peace of mind or there could be stress in domestic life. The solar eclipse + amavasya happening in the 9th house a day before on 29th March 2025 can be bad for father’s health and well-being. A younger sibling may have to go through some problems.

Remedy – Get vayustuti recitations seva done by bramhana and recite vishnu panjar stotra daily thrice.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Cancer

This combination happens in the 9th house of your horoscope, but the Lunar eclipse day sun+saturn are conjoined on 14th March and solar eclipse+amavasya on the 29th March happens in your 8th house, you may experience some life transforming incidents or even health issues, you are strongly advised to pay attention to any health issues giving signals prior to this period and pay due attention to yourself and your state of mind. Any negative thoughts should be countered by reading stories/literature of saints and yogis to give yourself good mental strength. You may feel mentally very weak and overwhelmed and some of you may even feel emotionally drained during this period. Avoid any travels to spiritual places in risky areas. Both short and long travels should be avoided in the month of March 2025.

Remedy – Get rudrabhisheka or mrutyunjaya mantra japam done for whole month if you feel you are loosing sanity.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Leo

8th house is where the planets will be aligned for you which is very bad placement, Simha rashi people are advised to be extremely careful venturing out into risky areas/situations. The Solar eclipse happening in the 7th house can lead to problems in marriage/married life and misunderstandings with your business partners etc. Since the lagna lord sun is transiting in the 8th house The transit in the 8th house signals loss of money during this period and even threat to life if your horoscope has some placements which this transit can trigger. Unexpected gains through inheritance/lottery are also possible for some of you who have good planetary positions. You may feel neglected and given less importance in your professional front, a change of job/transition in career could be possible. Sun your sign lord is also passing through the 8th house but fortunately away from the close conjunction, so take care of your health as well.

Remedy – Get sudarshana homa done for protection and be humble to others.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Virgo

The lunar eclipse happening in your lagna will be bad for your health and may make you restless, there can be situations dragging you into legal issues or problems with the government/police, you are advised to avoid any such situtation. Since the eclipses will happen from the lagna and the 7th house there can be problems with your spouse, disturbance in marriage/married life can be there during the month of March 2025 leading to complications, if you sense any such thing happening, remain cool and let things go as arguments or quarrels can take an ugly turn leading to permanent damage. The transit of jupiter aspecting the lagna is the only saving grace here which can help you get away with the difficult period in terms of health and well-being. There can be sudden losses in business or financial aspects. Do not give money to anyone as it may not come back to you.

Remedy – Light deepam in Vishnu temple and do guru seva during this period. Recite vishnu panjara stotra daily 7 to 21 times for 2 months during march and april 2025.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Libra

The eclipses happening in your 6th and 12th house during the month of march indicate a possibility of big financial windfalls and health concerns, some of you may have problems in area of children. Tell your children not to do anything risky during this period. Girls should be advised to stay low for period of 2-3 months starting march as the period might lead to things that you may regret later. Legal aspects/problems may intensity for some of you, avoid falling into the legal traps. Avoid long journeys and travels as there can be unexpected turn of events dragging you into dangerous situations. The period is not good for the world peace during these months.

Remedy – Get vaayu stuti purascharana done by a bramhana and light deepam in shani temple daily. Avoid venturing into dark and secluded spots during these months.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Scorpio

The eclipses happening into the 5/11 axis in the month of March 2025 is not a good time for your children and peace of mind. This can be a very good time for spiritual pursuits in case of your sign, eclipses are considered as parva kala doing spiritual sadhana can give you immense benefit in this period. You may feel restless after having some misunderstanding or fight with a close friend or someone in a relationship. The time is good for you in terms of spiritual aspects.

Remedy – Do guru seva, read literature of saints. Give for bramhana bhojane seva and go(Gau)daan if possible for you.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Sagittarius

The eclipses happen on your 4/10 axis in the horoscope, there can be some transformation in your career/profession area. Loss of job for some of you is possible with the 8th house lord involved in Eclipse in the 10th house. There can be situations leading to loss of prestige/status and frustrating situations in area of domestic life.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Capricorn

The eclipses will be happening in the 3/9 axis of your horoscope, and the 6 planets in your 3rd house can give you extra ordinary courage to achieve something. You are also under the last phase of sade-sati, so hold your horses and do not attempt anything out of hurry. The positives of this is some of you can suddenly rise to prominence or gain sudden success/recognition but the the first lunar eclipse with sun+saturn conjunction can also be bad for some of you in terms of health/well-being so be careful there if you feel anything wrong with your body get up and go to a doctor. The overall combinations will be bad for your siblings, be careful while signing documents, there can be frauds with you in this way. Financial dealings should be done with due care and precautionary measures.

Remedy – Recite Durga kavach and get durga saptashati done through bramhanas. Give seva to your family diety and pray for your well-being.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Aquarius

The eclipse happening through the 2/8 axis of your horoscope with peak of sade-sati is the worst period for aquarius people. There are indications of family and financial tragedies so avoid undertaking any risky adventure/journeys or doing big financial dealings which can get stuck. Healthwise, the lunar eclipse will be bad for you while the solar eclipse can be negative in terms of family/finances etc. The aspects of saturn and mars both on the 8th house tells you to be cautious in the next 3 months.

Remedy – Sudarshan Homa with sankalpa for family protection and recitation of vishnu sahasranamavali daily 3 to 7 times will be good for you.

Rare Planetary alignment 2025 for Pisces

The Lunar eclipse and the Solar eclipse is happening in your sign and the 7th house from it, with the onset of sade-sati this is going to be a challenging period for pisces people. The eclipse in the 7th house of your horoscope can mean problems in relationships with spouse/business partners, health of children may be a concern as moon rules the 5th house, your emotions may fluctuate making you feel melodramatic, the solar eclipse and the 6 planet conjunction happening in the ascendant or moon sign is bad for you in terms of health and well-being, you should focus on your own well-being during these 3 months of March to June 2025. You are also under sade-sati with saturn entering your moon sign making the period more challenging for you, mood swings, depression, many mixed emotions may surface making you feel sad and lost, but always remember friends “This too shall pass away”, hold on tightly for every night is followed by a bright day.

Remedy – Give for rudrabhisheka in the 3 months if possible for you, recite shiva panchakshari mantra and light deepam in shani temple with recitation of hanuman chalisa daily.

The forecast for all 12 signs may seem negative but the period is going to be really tough for the mundane world as well, but the silver lining is nothing extreme will happen unless you have some bad planetary positions already present in these key signs, some may not even feel anything while others could see a lot of difficulties, it all depends on the planetary positions in the individual horoscope. You are advised to go for professional consulting and counseling with your own astrologer if you want to understand the impact of the rare planetary alignment in the personalized horoscope readings.

My intention is to alert you in advance and make you prepared with precautions. May shri hari vishnu protect you all and bless you with good health, wealth, prosperity and success.

For personal consultations get in touch with me on Whatsapp here or drop a mail to jyotishresearch@gmail.com

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