Rajju porutham compatibility is one over hyped compatibility aspects of match-making in south India. It is considered as one of the most important aspects in matching of horoscopes of the bride and the groom. The horoscopes that come for match-making in South India are merely rejected on the basis of Same rajju, They say that horoscopes having same rajju are incompatible and marriage between such couples will result in death of the partner. Rajju porutham is treated as deadly and catastrophic factor in horoscope compatibility. Let us read about rajju porutham compatibility in this article.
Read my article “Kundli Matching Simplified” and papasamyam to get answers to basic queries about Match making.
Making such a bold statement irrespective of taking a look at the combinations in the horoscope of both bride and groom, their basic promise for marriage and married life, longevity etc is really ridiculous. A very few dare to go ahead and Marry in south-India irrespective of the Rajju porutham compatibility.
A friend of mind in South-India gave me some horoscopes with same rajju and the couples are having a good married life and are staying abroad. He said there were no big issues in their life due to Same rajju. He also told me that the horoscopes are just rejected based on same rajju by astrologers there and they do not even proceed to check them further, they get horoscopes for match-making in bulk and this is one of the criteria to reject horoscope and reduce the workload of checking horoscopes.
In North India Rajju is not given so much importance and there have been no problems in marriage of people so far with the same rajju horoscopes. Rajju is just one part of match-making and cannot decide the over all destiny based on just one aspect of the match-making.
In Rajju the 27 nakshatras or Asterisms are divided in 5 groups and each group is assigned to a particular body part of the human body. The Nakshatras of the girl and the boy should not belong to the same group else it is called as the same rajju and this is considered incompatible. The Rajju is attached to the well-being and longevity of marriage hence nobody is prepared to take the risk and go ahead with the marriage proposals.
Rajju porutham compatibility Table
There are 5 groups of Rajju as given in the table below :-

The above table shows 5 groups namely Kantha, Kati, Pada, Siro and Kukshi. In each group you can see the nakshatras in horizontal line.
For E.g The Kantha Rajju dosha will be applicable if both husband and wife are born in any of the nakshatras of Moon and Rahu given above in Kantha group which are Rohini, Ardra, Hasta, Swati, Sravana, Satabhisaj. These nakshatras cannot marry each other else it causes rajju dosha in South-India.
But Rohini and Hasta fall in Tauras and virgo signs, both are ruled by moon, both moon signs tauras and virgo are very much compatible so how can marriage between them be adverse, so we have to check the individual horoscopes and assess whether the problem mentioned under kantha rajju dosha (Harm to females/wife) will fructify or not.
The results of each Group is different and as follows :-
Same Rajju in Kantha Group results in “Damages to the well-being of Wife”.
Same Rajju in Kati Group results in “Collateral Damages to properties”.
Same Rajju in Pada Group results in “Damages During Travels”.
Same Rajju in Siro Group results in “Damages to Well-being of Husband”.
Same Rajju in Kukshi Group results in “Face problems with respect to son/daughter”.
They say that there will be death of Partner if both bride and groom belong to same rajju. It is a common sense that one can die due to others bad combination in other’s horoscope and without the combination being there in the individual horoscope, A person having combinations for divorce mostly meets the other person destined to go through the same so this crap should be flushed out of the minds of people first.
Rajju dosha remedies
There is no remedy for Rajju dosha mentioned anywhere. The best solution for rajju dosha is to get married to someone only after checking his/her horoscope for longevity and compatibility with you, Horoscope compatibility should be done by an expert astrologer because it involves analyzing horoscopes of bride and the groom individually first for checking promise of marriage/married life, longevity, health, children in each horoscope after which planetary compatability is checked along with papasamyam and doshasamyam after which the final conclusion is reached. It requires a very critical analysis of both horoscopes.
Match-making only helps to find a suitable life partner given the choices between 100 which matches our wave-lengths, but this cannot over ride the basic promise in your horoscope which one needs to be clear about. Your spiritual merits or punya are your strengths besides that to sail you thoroughly from any mishap or misfortune, but nobody thinks of increasing their spiritual balance like the bank balance.
A good bank balance helps you clear of your debts and loans, a good spiritual balance helps you steer clear through adversities of life where bank balance and other stuff is not useful, so one should keep accumulating both the balances with more stress on the spiritual balance as the material balance will end shortly giving short term happiness but it is the spiritual balance which gives true sense of bliss and happiness.
Click here to watch a Video on Rajju dosha Demystified, those who want to understand “What is Rajju dosha, What are the types of Rajju dosha, What are the effects of Rajju dosha, What are the remedies or rajju dosha and can people with no rajju compatibility marry each other?
Couples married in same Rajju or rajju dosha are hereby requested to share their birth details for the purpose of making this research big enough to remove this wrong belief. It is requested that you contribute your birth data for more research on Rajju porutham compatibility.
Book a consultation today for Rajju Porutham compatibility or horoscope compatibility. Write to us at jyotishresearch@gmail.com or get in touch with me via Whatsapp at 9657569256.
Hello myself Keerthana and my nakshatra is mrigashiras.and my Boy Thiyagarajan his nakshatra is Swati where many of the astrologers said that any one can die post wedding is that true we were in realtionship is there any solutions ?
Namaste Keerthana ji,
Please opt for paid consultations. Match-making cannot be done on the basis of nakshatras, it requires intricate study of both the horoscopes.
Thanks and regards
Ashish Desai.
Girl name:pushpa.R
Time:1 :45 pm
Boy : Chiranjeevi
Time:11.30 am
Can this match get married or if any dosha and how can it solved
Namaste Pushpa ji,
Please opt for paid consultations for horoscope compatibility. Match making is not just checking gun-milan/poruthams and requires study of both horoscopes of the girl and the boy individually as well as jointly.
Thanks and Regards
Ashish Desai.
I am loving a boy who is my relative.We have told to our family My boy side family is oky but my side my mother is not accepting our love.My mom have been told boy will die and he have Chevvai dhosam so you don’t have match like that & now I got feared about that .i was confused & in fear about his longevity as well as other problems in our married life.we are in deep love. We can’t live without each other.Kindly tell me the horoscope match whether our horoscope match have lot of discripancies or not.
Name : Naveenkumar
DOB : 26/01/1995
Time : 3.30 PM
Place : Kunnatur
Name : Suganya
DOB : 17/01/2002
Time :10.25 AM
Place : Gobichettipalayam
Kindly opt for paid consultation in horoscope match making. Send your details to my email id jyotishresearch@gmail.com
Thanks and Regards,
Ashish Desai
Hello Sir,
I have read your comments about rajju porutham, that it should not be the singular important consideration. Being a Tamil Brahmin i am overwhelmed by the way it is being touted to be so important in marriage horoscope matching. Different sites give very different views. I am convinced with your logic that rajju is not a deciding consideration as i know of many for whom the rajju porutham existed and yet the marriage did not work out well. I am wanting to take in alliance an ARDRA girl for a SWATHI boy. Between these stars there are at least six matches, still without rajju. Kindly give me the guidance and wisdom to accept the above match. What is possible? How can i use your expertise and practice in matching these two horoscopes?
Namaste Rangarajan ji,
I have sent you an email with the consultation details for horoscope compatibility. You can check your email id for the same, if you don’t find the email in your inbox, kindly check Spam messages as well as sometimes emails go to spam folder.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai
Hello sir,
I am loving a girl who is my relative.We have taken our relationship to marriage.During horoscope matching we don’t have rajju match.Because of that her parents was not agreed.Then i started to search related to rajju match and came to know individual longevity is important than this match.Initial days my girl was so strong & after some days her parents make her like home arrest & there is no contact between us.They have been told boy will die like that & now she got feared about me and sacrifing for me.But she is struggling a lot without me.She was confused & in fear about my longevity as well as other problems in our married life.Kindly tell me the horoscope match whether our horoscope match have lot of discripancies or not.
Boy: Saravan kumar
Place of birth:Chennai
Birth time:06.10 am
Girl: Puranimaa
Place of birth:Chennai
Birth time:09.17 pm
Hi sir,
During horoscope matching we don’t have rajju match.Because of that my parents are not agreeing. At home they said that boy will die if i get married to him and am scared and confused about my guy’s longevity as well as other problems in our married life.Kindly help me with the horoscope match whether our match have lot of discripancies or not.
Boy: Lokesh P
Place of birth:Bangalore
Birth time:07:20 am
Girl: Pavithra. N
Place of birth:Bangalore
Birth time:07:25pm
Namaste Pavithra,
I have sent you the horoscope compatibility consultation details on your email.
Longevity factor is to be analyzed from individual horoscopes and same applies to marriage/married life. If the promise of marriage/married life, progeny, longevity is good in both horoscopes and the horoscope compatibility is also good then one can proceed ahead with marriage.
thanks & regards,
Ashish Desai.
Namasthe sir , we have sirro rajju. Can we get marry?
Girl: 30/08/1984. 12:46pm Thulam Raasi, Chittirai, Viruchikam Lagna
Boy: 2/06/1982. 7:09pm Thulam Raasi, Chittirai, Viruchikam Lagna
Please help me out sir.. Really confused….
Namaste Shri,
Please opt for horoscope compatibility consultations, you will receive detailed analysis for horoscope compatibility within 3-5 days from payment.
Thank you.
Namaste Sir,
I got a proposal for marriage and the guy’s nakshatra is same as mine, he is also poorvaphalguni. So is the marriage possible in same nakshatra? Is there any problem to marry someone with same nakshatra?
Namaste Anu,
Yes, Same Nakshatra marriage is permissible if nakshatra pada are different.
However I am afraid to say that #horoscopecompatibility goes much beyond this and requires checking horoscopes of both boy and the girl for promise of marriage, married life, longevity, children and then compatibility of planets of both with respect to each other which can give some insight if the match is good or not.
Thanks and regards
Ashish Desai
Namasthe sir , we have nabhi rajju. Can we get marry?
Girl: 6/4/1996. 4:15pm
Boy: 5/11/1992. 10:43am
Please help me out sir.. even my parents are confused….
Namaste Tulusi ji,
Kindly opt for horoscope compatibility service. The horoscope compatibility is a very detailed process where horoscopes of both bride and groom are analaysed individually for promise of marriage/married life, progeny, longevity and much more aspects and then jointly analysed to see impact of planet of one horoscope on another one whether planets show good compatibility or not.
Rajju dosha, Manglik dosha, gun-milan which includes asta-koota and dasha koota milan are just filters to choose best horoscope from many when you have choices after first condition of detailed analysis is satisfied. The detailed analysis in horoscope compatibility is primary requirement for compatibility rest are just secondary factors and hold less importance.
Thanks and Regards
Ashish Desai.
Hi ,
my nakshatra is Bharani (Mesham) . My girls nakshatra is uthiradhhi (Meena Rashi)
Can u please suggest if rajju is not there and what needs to be done to make the marriage a success.
Please opt for paid consultations.
Hello sir, im gandhi. my DOB 2-10-1991 medhunam rasi, punarpusam natchathira, and my girl DOB 16-7-1995 she’s kumbam rasi, puratadhi natcahchith, we are in love. but our family was not supporting marriage. because rajju is not matching…we are consulting many other astrologist. but all the persons tell the same point. you stop the marriage. it is not matching rajju.. your are dangerous in after marriage..what will we do sir, we are loving so much. how to break the relationship. we are only trust GOD.. so please tell me the solution and remidies…please consider for my request.. finally we get marry? my birth time 7:5AM and my girl is 12:2PM
Namaste GAndhi,
Please opt for horoscope match making service.
Thank you.
Hii sir my rashi is danusu n moolam naksatram ..,same for him also…, is it advisable to get marry
Namaste soniya,
Same nakshatra different pada can marry subject to horoscopes matched, just gun-milan is not enough to decide whether two people can marry each other or not. Gun Milan is hardly 25% of match making.
Thank you.
Hello sir.myself manjupriyana and my boy name is sathish .we both have rajju match and boy is having kala sarbha dosham.is there any possible wat to get marry.but all horoscope matching persons said if we get marry boy will die like that.we worried about it.please help us
He will only die if his horoscope shows less longevity, not because you have rajju dosha or he has kalsarpa dosha. So don’t worry about such things.
I belonged to Thiruvathirai nakchatra… and my partner belonged to Sathayam nakchatra …. While checking in online compatibility there is no match in Rajju… Kindly guide us with this issue…
Namaste Sathyamoorthy ji,
Kindly opt for horoscope match making service. Match making is more elaborate process than just Rajju matching.
I need your help sir…. I born 05/01/1991 and my lover born on 02.11.1990.
Boy Rasi Simha, Natchathiram Pooram
Girl Rasi Mesham,Natchathiram Bharani.
Rajju is not matching…. but I don’t know that’s effect…. thoda rajju…. how to solve that rajju problem…..parigarangal iruntha sollunga…
If alone rajju dosha is to be seen the whole concept of horoscope matching has no meaning. Entire horoscope of both needs to be checked and matched for match making, rajju dosha is just one factor out of many factors involved in match making.
hello sir ,
my name is vinitha and my hubby’s name is jeganathan i would like to get married with him. this relationship was lasting for more than 4 years. but our parents were not accepting for the marriage due to some inequalities in status and caste . we also dont have rajju match. even am so confused with this astrology . i just want a solution for this. i want to get married only on behalf of our both the parents. will this happens accordingly or not??
my details:
name: vinitha
D.O.b: 16-12-1994
birth time: 3:25 pm
my partner:
name: jeganathan
D.O.B: 23-07-1994
birth time: 2:30 pm
Kindly opt for paid consultation for horoscope matching.
Hello sir… Iam born 22nd September,1982(Anuradha nakshatra). My husband is born 31st January,1983(pubba nakshatra). We got married 4 years ago. We have a girl child of 2 years old. We are not all happy with our careers…. No support from in-laws… He is not at all happy with his job…. No growth…full of debts… Whatever we plan not getting success… Came to know we have some kind of rajju dosha… Please help us what is it and remedies of Pooja to get rid of these problems… Thank you sir
Namaste Harini ji,
The problems are not due to rajju dosha. There may be many other issues in the horoscope, alone rajju dosha will not bring so many problems, if alone rajju dosha could spoil lives, there is no use of astrology and checking so many planetary combinations and positions and horoscope match making. Just check rajju dosha and predict disaster should be the only rule in astrology.
I cannot suggest remedies without checking complete horoscope, kindly opt for paid consultations if you want to check both or one horoscope.
Dear sir,
my DOB is 13/02/1992 rishaba raasi and mirugashirisham nakshatra and I’m in love with my cousin(my father’s sister son), my parents are opposing the marriage because of siro rajju dosha. is there any remedy for this? kindly help us
Just concluding something on basis of rajju dosha alone is not going to do any good for anyone. Complete horoscope analysis has to be done in match making. The horoscope, the planetary positions, the divisional charts, the dashas are there for some reason. Just checking rajju dosha and declaring the match is not matching is serious blunder.
Tell them to go for complete horoscope match making.
I ( girl ) born on 26 Jan 1990 and my nakshthra is thiruvonam and he born on 13 Sep 1988 and his nakshthra is hastham . Due to kandha rajju,our marriage is strictly rejected by my family…plz help ?
Hello sir,
I’m anagha my dob is 07/08/1994. Ashlesha nakshatram
And my fiance dob is 08/09/1990, revathi nakshatram
We have problem with padha rajju and total compatibility is 16 is that a big issue ?
Can we marry?
Pls help
Namaste Anagha,
We have check horoscopes of both boy and the girl to first ascertain promise of marriage and married life, longevity, children etc. Compatibility between both is checked with respect to planets of one over the other and vice-versa, If both these things are found to be good the above rajju dosha and less gun-milan score will not affect much.
Please opt for paid horoscope compatibility consultation.
I have sent the details of consultation to your email id.
Kindly check the same.
Thanks and Regards
Ashish Desai.
I am born on feb 25,1994 at 9.27am in Dharmapuri TamilNadu. My boyfrnd was born on nov 20,1990 at 2.03am in Polur TamilNadu. I belong to magha star he belong to moola.We found that we have pada rajju..pls advise us
i am male 29 yrs revathi nakshatra and my girl friend is 24 years chitra nakshatra and we want to get married.My parents are totally against this and they are saying that for chitra nakshatra there is a chance of losing husband’s life.Is it applicable in our case?Please reply
Namaste Kindly opt for paid consultations. Complete horoscope match making needs to be done before giving any opionion. Nothing happens just based on nakshatra.
Sir, I have Danishta and my boy friend is Chitra. We have sirasu rajju. Can you horoscopes be matched? Is there any remedies for Rajju dosha?
Please let us know , I can send you the horoscopes for matching
Namaste vidya ji,
The horoscope matching is based on many factors, Rajju is just one factor out of many, the planetary promises in individual horoscope are more important as they can tell whether one will have a good married life or bad.
Hi Sir,
I (Boy) thula rashi, swathi star, spouse Mithuna rasi, Aaardha star. we loved each other for 4 years and entered into married life in 2013, till now we are had good life and blessed with boy baby in 2014 his star is Dhanishta. In recent day my wife is more worried about rajju, please suggest how to overcome from this.
There is no need to worry, Just enjoy the married life and stop thinking about unnecessary things. The worry itself can create problems in future. Better stop worrying and focus on enjoying life. Rajju dosha alone is never a criteria for creating problems.
I(Boy) was born on 10 Sep, 1991(Virgo, Hastham) and the girl was born on 26 Jul, 1992 (Taurus, Rohini) Our marriage is not encouraged due to Kana Rajju. Could you pls guide us?
Namaste Selva ji,
If other factors are matching in the horoscope there is no need to worry about Rajju dosha.
Sir, My(girl) star is Poorva-Ashada (DOB: 26/08/1985 and TOB : 11:30 AM) and my husband’s star is Magha (DOB: 04/12/1985 and TOB : 9:20 PM). We were in relation from 2009 and got married on 12/02/2016. I was worried about rajju dosha but my father in law who was an astologer, told me that there is no worry about it and our marriage match is good. On 31/03/2016 he (my father in law) passed away, he was 66 yrs only. We are worried if there was any problem because of our marriage and this has happened in family. Sir… please tell us if there is any problem in our marriage. If so also please guide us with the solution.
Namaste Ramesh ji,
Kindly do not encourage such blind faith in yourself. Nobody dies because of problem in others horoscope, father in law’s horoscope should have combinations for medium longevity and the dasha antardasha should be pointing towards journey to higher worlds. There will be no problem. Do not worry and do not let such doubts create problems. May your father in law’s soul ascend the higher worlds.
Thank you Sir.
Hi, i am simma rasi magha star and he is dhanush rasi and moola star.. We are in love..Is it adviceable for us to get married? Please reply..
Namaste Kanaga ji,
I do not decide marriage just based on stars. This is incomplete method of matching horoscopes, I will need to check entire horoscope of both for promise of marriage and married life along with matching of planets. Kindly opt for paid consultations if you are interested in match making analysis.
Dear Sir,
Im mrihasrisham 3rd paadham and my boy friend is Chittirai 4th paadam. We both are divorcee and now 2nd marriage for both of us. We both found ourselves compatible for 2nd marriage and decided to get married. Now unfortunately our parents went and saw the horsoscope for 2nd marriage and found we both have Siro rajuu and now objecting. Is rajju applicable for 2nd marriage also. I’m totally stressed out as most of astrologers rejcted our horoscopes due to rajju. I really wanted to marry that person and be happy. Please give me some solution. Can I come and approach in person for a consultaton
Namaste Kavi ji,
Rajju dosha is considered in south, whereas it is not considered in north so these things are to be considered depending on desh, kaal, patra. Irrespective of any number of marriages these things have to be considered as after all every marriage is a marriage be it first or second.
Only based on Rajju rejecting horoscopes is a faulty practice. If all other factors in the horoscope match there should be no problem, first is the promise of happiness from marriage and married life, if this is absent no amount of match making will help. This is what parents and anybody doesn’t consider or understand. Divorce happens due to various reasons one of the reasons being two people “Not Willing to adjust or accept the relationship”.
Thanks for the reply…your answer is little consoling. Should convey this information to our parents as well. Can we email our horoscopes to you ? Can you please review and advise. How this should be done and I can also have a paid consultation. Please guide on further steps
Mine is head Rajju n husband is neck Rajju… I am dhanista n his is shatabisha. Want to know who will leave this world first….as it deals with our death
Death predictions cannot be made on rajju, these are overhyped doshas and do not cause such grave problems unless both horoscopes indicate towards it. Death will depend on general longevity in the individual horoscope and doing death predictions is not in ethics of astrology. Live happily and cherish the moments as long as you are alive rather than wasting life over worrying who will die first.
Hi sir, my star and his star both falls on mrigaseera, but im mithunam and he is rishibam. It is advisable for us to get married?
yes it is excellent.
Bhinna rashi same nakshatra is allowed.
Sir, if both person have (mrigashrisha nakshtra & rishibam rasi). Does sirro rajju will affect the marriage? I saw in some blog it stated that Nakshatras: Mirugasirisham, Magham, Swathi and Anusham are exempted from rajju porutham if the husband or wife has the above mentioned stars as their Jenma Nakshatra’s (Birth Star).If both the husband and wife has their Jenma Nakshatra (Birth Star) from the above mentioned list, then they are eligible for exemption from this “Rajju Porutham”. Is it correct? What’s your opinion?
Both having Same nakshatra and rajju dosha is not going to affect married life unless there are such combinations in the individual horoscopes. The planetary positions in the horoscope should show such a picture otherwise there won’t be such effects.
Respected sir,
please help me.I am moola nakshatra 3 pada (female) and he is jyestha nakshatra 3 pada. we are in love. we want to marry.so can we marry ???i heard that moola and jyesta doesnt match. will every thing be alright if we marry ? and please tell me the remedie. please suggest me what to do.PLEASE REPLY SIR
Thank you.
Namaste Nehasree,
Kindly opt for paid consultations, the details have been sent to you in the email.
My dob 29-8-1987, 3.30AM, thula rasi chitra nakshatram.
My husband dob 28-3-1984
Kumbha rasi, dhanista. We got married on 30-12-2012. We have son born on 18-11-2013. Krithika and vrishabha rasi. We got married as astrologers said evry thng is good. But found out now that siro rajju is there.. we both love each other soo much… but v are nt happy. Our son is also very hyper active.. he always hits us.. shouts and always tortures us. Seriously we are vexed up sir. Please tell me some remedy. Please consider my request sir
Namaste Soumya ji,
The problems may be due to other factors in both horoscopes, Kuta matching must be done after taking consideration the promise of marriage and married life in both horoscopes, the problems must be due to planetary positions in the horoscope and not due to siro rajju, as far as the longevity of husband in horoscope is good siro rajju won’t affect marriage.
regarding the boy, it must be the problem with your respective 5th houses in the horoscope. Kindly pray to Raghavendra swami and go to Rayar Mutt near you, your problem will be solved over time with devotion to rayaru.
Hi sir,I want to marry my loved ones,we had chkd that we got the kootas for 36 we get 31 but,they are rajju dhosha is there we can’t marry,I am confused with this sir,we can marry him of rajju is there
I am from india.According to this article. Me(Girl) and my love(Boy), belongs to the same rajju. he is from bharani nakshstra,Pada 1 and i am from Pushya, Pada 2. WE are in love from around 2 years, since the matching of the kundli done by my parents. and came to know, that our marriage is not good as health point of view of me(girl). his saturn is in 7th house and mine 7th house is empty but saturn and rahu is in 8th house or seperation happens. Kindly suggest if marriage is compatible positively!.
Greetings Emma,
Kindly opt for paid consultations, saturn and rahu in the 8th house are not good and do indicate separative tendencies or ill health of spouse or self depending upon other combinations which results in inability to enjoy marriage irrespective of matching horoscope with anybody. Boy has saturn in 7th and could be indicative of an older spouse. Rest of the things can only be confirmed after complete match-making.
Best regards,
Ashish Desai.
Hi sir,
We have been in love for 10 years and now we have seen horoscope and Rajju is not matching.. Kindly help us. Below are the details..
Name: Raja Sekar
D.O.B: 30/03/1991
Time: 8.45 AM
Place of birth: Thiruvanamali
Name: Revathy
D.O.B: 12/09/1991
Time: 11.36
Place of birth: Vellore.
Namaste Revathy,
Do not look for horoscope compatibility if you have already been in a relationship for a long time.