Mercury is a key planet for speech, communication, correspondence, information processing, telephone signals, Radio, internet connection/speed, monetary dealings, loans, share markets, court hearings, accidents, surgeries, intestine. Mercury represents all that things which cause information to process from one end to another, it rules everything connected to communication. Mercury retrograde or retrogression of mercury creates problems in all the above mentioned areas. Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times in a year for approximately 20-25 days per cycle. The dates for mercury retrograde in 2015 are as follows :-
- January 21st to February 12th 2015.
- May 18th to June 12th 2015.
- September 17th to October 9th 2015.
Retrogression of planets is actually a phenomenon where a planet actually appears to be going backwards though no planet technically goes backwards in its orbit, the retrograde motion appears to be seen due to speed of planets, when mercury reaches the farthest point of 28 degrees from sun it slows down making it appear moving backwards.
Mercury retrograde creates the following issues :-
- Miscommunication and problems on communication front with people.
- Frequent errors in work area, calculations, documentations, feeding of information, Software crashes.
- Losses in cash dealings, wrong calculations, wrong judgements leading to unexpected monetary losses.
- Dropping of internet connectivity/speed, Online servers etc
- Unexpected loss of data, hard disk crashes, phone system hanging, softwares hanging.
- Suddenly bumping into old long lost contacts, friends etc.
- Unexpected delay in delivery of letters/parcels/couriers.
- Delay in all paper work, delay in travels etc.

Mercury rules over the transmission of information and communication. mercury retrograde causes problems in all of the above areas. Mercury rules the 3rd and the 6th house of the natural zodiac. The 3rd house represents all types of correspondence and communication, written and oral. The 6th house rules illness, accidents, enemies, legal hassles, loans, servants etc. Most of the businesses operate credit and payments, monetary dealings, share market etc are stuck during retrogression of mercury. You words are wrongly understood creating rift and misunderstandings, verbal fights. The decision making ability of people becomes weak and affected during mercury retrograde. Confusion and chaos is seen everywhere making people irritated leading them to take wrong decisions or missing vital points which they repent later. Mercury retrograde is a period to be extremely careful in all your dealings. Mercury retrograde is a period to loosen your seat belts and take time out to relax and reconnect with your old buddies, long lost contacts, watch your favorite movie etc
Do’s and Don’ts of Mercury retrograde
- Avoid signing any documents/contracts.
- Don’t start any new business or enter into new partnerships. Don’t accept any proposals for partnership.
- Think before you speak, watch your actions and words carefully as there is possibility of misunderstanding. Do not be harsh with people, just try to be cool and composed.
- Back up all your data, hard drives, documents, files, folders as there could be some sudden issues cropping up with your electronic gadgets.
- Avoid investments, Avoid investing money in risk prone investments. Share markets are more vulnerable to crashes in retrograde mercury, do not invest what you cannot afford to loose. Avoid lending money for business proposals/investments etc.
- Be careful while doing online money transactions or monetary transactions through phone applications during mercury retrograde.
- Avoid purchasing costly electronic gadgets when mercury is retrograde. Strictly avoid purchase of electronic items when nakshatra of rahu/ketu is operating. Chances of you getting a defective gadget are high. You may get a replacement but the headache caused while going through all this will be really stressful for you.
Do’s in mercury retrograde
- Sit back and relax, take time out with your family or read your favorite book you wanted to since long.
- Complete all your long pending tasks, assignments.
- Catch up with your old friends and contacts, there could be something good in store for you.
- Re-arrange your files, folders, documents, books. You might find old treasure while doing this. I have often found old lost photos and stuff which brings memories of the near and dear one’s who were once a part of your life. Reviving old memories sometimes gives immense pleasure.
- Review your project, assignment or the work done till now instead of rushing to finish it. Mercury retrograde is a good time to contemplate, modify, reassess, review old or ongoing tasks, it helps in rectifying errors and gives new ideas.
- Re-organize your schedule, your routine to improve your health, lifestyle. Relax rejuvenate yourself and enjoy this period.
Mercury retrograde is a period to be careful about issues arising out of miscommunication and malfunctioning of electronic items/gadgets or programs, It is also a period where one should be extremely careful of the monetary dealings and transactions to avoid losses. Get over the greed and avoid faulty investments which you lead you to suffer serious losses. Following these simple guidelines can save you from much of headache and stress.
I have mercury retrograde in Capricorn and I am a cancer ascendant what does this mean? Does this mean I am giving a second chance to my partner?
It’s in my 7th house
awesome guidance…thanks for sharing