Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 will be in Kumbha rashi from April 5th, 2021 to April 13, 2022. During this period Jupiter will become Retrograde on 20th June 2021 and enter Capricorn on 15th September, 2021. Jupiter will be retrograde till 18th October 2021 after which it will resume direct motion and enter Kumbha rashi again on November 20, 2021. Finally jupiter will enter Meena rashi on April 13th, 2022 its own sign after a period of approximately 12 years.
Let us see how this jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 has impact on all the 12 rashis of kaalpurusha.
Jupiter coming out of its debilitation sign this year and finally moving towards its own house is going to have a very positive impact after nearly 2 years of a horrible phase world-wide. It has literally shaken the world and the economic conditions of countries world-wide with the Corona Pandemic and it still continues to haunt us with a more severe impact now. This is having a very negative impact on the livelihood of people, many professions and business have gone Kaput while a new wave of digitalization has come up with everything becoming digital, new opportunities have emerged in the past 2 years.

The world has been witnessing changes in the way businesses are operated, New business cycles and New businesses will emerge, the change as predicted in the Articles of Jupiter transit in dhanu rashi 2020 (game changer period) and Saturn in Capricorn 2020-2023 as a period of revolution is being witnessed now. The period of jupiter transit in Dhanu with Ketu and Saturn was clearly mentioned as a bad period for the Materialistic society and good from a religious, spiritual point of view. Ram mandir issue was resolved after this period, the corona pandemic struck the world after back to back eclipses in 2019 affecting the masses. This was supported by the fact that we were in “Vikari” and “Sharvari” Samvatsara as per panchanga which indicated a bad period. Now we are in “Plava” samvatsara symbolising a boat which will take you to the shore. The winds of turbulence will come to an end in this year, we will start stabilizing in this year 2021 till 2022 April.
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for all zodiac signs
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Mesha Rashi
Guru gochara in Kumbha rashi is passing through your 11th house which is a very good gochara for you. Mesha rasi and lagna people have a very good yoga to tie the marriage knot till Jupiter is in Kumbha rashi, those who want to plan for children too have a very good chance this year and the next year till Jupiter is in Kumbha rashi as it aspects your 5th house. There will be good monetary gains through travels and friendships, You will be good at socializing and making new connections this year. Many of you will find good friends and even soul mates during this period.
There will be short travels which will prove fruitful for you. Those who are studying will have an immensely fruitful year ahead, you are advised to make the best of this time. Saturn in the 10th house and Jupiter in the 11th you are someone who can identify new opportunities and make the best use of the new opportunities for your growth and benefit during this turbulent times. You will have all round prosperity during this guru peyarchi in Kumbha rasi.
This year is extremely good to start a new venture or business, you will get success in that. If already started you will see growth.
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Vrishabh rashi
Guru gochara in Kumbha rashi is passing through your karmasthana the 10th house. Your time for rising has arrived, you will get new opportunities for growth in your career and profession, those who are looking for new jobs will be able to find good one’s this year.
There will be happiness, peace and harmony in your domestic and family life. Financially you will be able to create new streams of income or there will be financial growth in the coming year. Happy news in the family or expansion of family can happen in the coming year. There will be growth in job/career and family life.
You can think of purchasing or investing in a new house/property this year. It is also a good time to purchase a vehicle, but just be sure to avoid buying during Guru asta or Shukra asta periods.
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Mithuna rashi
Guru peyarchi or Guru gochar is passing through your 9th house, you are slowly about to begin your good time from now onwards, still Rahu in your 12th house in gochara and Saturn in 8th are not very favorable. Jupiter’s entry in the 9th house will help you focus on yourself, your priorities and health.
Jupiter aspecting the 3rd house will give you short travels and possibly visits to spiritual places, there will be good news and gains through short travels. You can take up a mantra deeksha or initiation this year as jupiter aspects your 3rd and the 5th house from the 9th house.
Those who are studying will have a good year in terms of education as jupiter’s aspect on the 5th house will help you to focus on your studies as the aspect of saturn from 8th distracts, you will be able to achieve some balance and positive output with your efforts. Spiritually this is a very good transit for you.
Those who are planning for children/progeny can go ahead this year, there are pretty good chances that you will be blessed with children in the coming year 2022.
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Karka rashi
Guru gochara in Kumbha rasi is passing through your 8th house which is good for you to advance spiritual, benefit financially in terms of monetary gains. There will be some good news or functions in the family making you unite with the family.
There is good scope of buying or investing in a property in 2021-22 considering both saturn and jupiter are aspecting your 4th house. You can think of settling down somewhere now. Those who are in foreign country may look forward to relocate or those who want to go abroad will have a good year ahead. Your Visa or citizenship issues may get resolved in the coming year.
You are advised to take care of your health and well-being as jupiter passing through the 8th house is not good for your health and well-being. Do keep a tab on your sugar and have regular health check-ups.
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Simha rashi
Jupiter transit in Kumbha rasi is passing through your 7th house, the last year may have been very bad for your health and longevity, Many of the people who had simha rasi or lagna had to undergo many health and various troubles. This year jupiter passing through kumbha will aspect your rasi or lagna helping you to restore your health and vigour. You should focus more on restoring your health.
There will be good financial gains in this year through social contacts, friends, new business associations etc as jupiter aspects your 3rd house and the 11th house. You will get help and support of your siblings in increasing the business
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Kanya rashi
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 in Kumbha rasi is passing through your 6th house which is mixed for you, jupiter will aspect the 10th house of profession, 2nd house of family/wealth and the 12th house of spending/vyaya. This time is positive for your career/professional growth.
The aspect of jupiter on the 2nd house will give positive in area of financial growth, family relations, growth in family and family wealth, there will spending of money on good things, foreign travels and pilgrimages.
Some tensions in marriage/married and health of the spouse can be visible in the coming year. You are advised to give due attention to the problems affecting your married life. Jupiter in the 6th house also warns about problems from over-eating and eating unsuitable food. Avoid eating junk food and too much sweets and keep your sugar in control. Those having diabetes and insulin related troubles should be very careful.
Students will need to put extra efforts in your studies as the gochara of saturn passing through your 5th house and rahu from the 9th house is not good for studies, you should try to increase your concentration on studies.
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Tula rashi
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 in kumbha rashi is passing through your 5th house of creativity, progeny and purva punya. You will have good year in terms of gains, friendships. Jupiter from the 5th house aspects your lagna, 11th house and the 9th house.
The focus will be on self-improvement as both jupiter and saturn aspect the lagna. You can learn or develop a new skill for advancement in your career. It is a good year for learning new things.
There will gains through elder siblings, friends and your social connections. There is still some steam left for your growth and prosperity. The passing of Rahu in the 8th and Ketu in the 2nd house will disturb your family life while saturn passing through the 4th house can affect the health/well being of the parents especially mother.
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Vruchika rashi
Guru gochara 2021 in Kumbha rashi is passing through your 4th house this year which is going to be good for you. Jupiter will aspect the 10th house of profession, 12th house of vyaya and the 8th house of longevity. The houses aspected by jupiter indicate more beneficial results for spiritual sadhakas.
The aspect of the jupiter on the 10th house will give growth and good results in area of your career or profession. It will give a positive push if you are stuck somewhere in your career which means you will be able to get the right direction in the coming year.
The aspect of jupiter on the 12th house is good for spiritual sadhana and spending money on good things like daana or advancement of your sadhana. You will be able to travel abroad if you are planning to do so as both saturn and jupiter will be aspecting your 12th house. Some of you might take a loan for house/property though it is not really advisable.
The aspect of jupiter on the 8th house is good for protecting you from unforeseen dangers and troubles, you will be able to get sudden gains or money/gains through inheritance/insurance/investments etc.
This year is also very good for education and studies as jupiter in the 4th house is favorable for studies and giving recognition in the area of education, its aspect on the 8th and 12th is good for medicine and research oriented studies.
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Dhanu rashi
Guru gochara in kumbha rashi 2021 to 2022 is passing through your 3rd house from where it will aspect the 7th house, 9th house and the 11th house. The results of this guru gochara will be good for you.
Those who are looking forward for alliances will be able to get married by the last quarter of 2021 or the first quarter of 2022. There will be religious travels and ceremonies, you will gain from these travels and you will get many blessings this year.
The overall transit signifies that you will try your best to grow your business through travels, communications, socializing, increasing your social reach etc. Those who are looking forward to establish a new business can do so. This will be a gainful year for you in terms of financial prospects. You will also be able to make new friends and meet new people who will have lasting connection with you.
Students will have a good year as jupiter’s aspect on the 9th house is good for higher education.
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Makar rashi
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 in Kumbha rasi will be passing through your 2nd house from the lagna or the chandra lagna. Jupiter will be aspecting the 6th house, the 10th house and the 8th house from this position.
Your can get an onsite opportunity you were looking for since a long time or a transfer is there on the way. A new project or a new career opportunity can come your way. You can look out for something that excites you and gives you something new to learn. The gochara saturn is also aspecting your 10th house along with jupiter which is why this transit will be a good time for your career and can even give you an opportunity to go abroad for work.
There will be happiness an growth in the family life, you may get interested in yoga and exercise to keep yourself health and fit. The aspect of jupiter on the 6th and the 8th house gives you protection from diseases and any calamities. Students may lack interest in studies due to rahu passing through the 5th house. They may indulge in unproductive activities which should be avoided at all cost. Do not be over-confident in your studies and should rather take it seriously.
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Kumbha rashi
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Kumbha is psasing through your own rasi which is good for self growth, it is a time to be happy and cheerful and indulge in pampering your own self.
The aspect of jupiter on the 5th house will be good for those who are planning to have a baby, this guru gochara in kumbha will prove good for you if you are looking forward to conceive and do family planning. Some of you will be able to find the love of your life and settle down.
Jupiter aspecting your 7th house is excellent for those who are looking to tie a knot or searching for prospective bride/grooms. You will be able to meet success in getting married and settling down in life. The aspect of jupiter on the 9th house indicates your good luck and good time getting activated, you will also indulge in religious and spiritual activities in the coming year.
This guru peyarchi in kumbha is extremely good for students who wish to excel as jupiter aspecting 5th house and jupiter+saturn together aspecting the 9th house will prove good for you studies.
You are advised to curb your spending and look to increase your savings as saturn in the 12th house will make you spend more in unproductive things.
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 for Meena rashi
Jupiter transit 2021 to 2022 will be passing through your 12th house which is not a very good period for you as jupiter is your rasi lord and passing through the 12th house will means spending your energy in useless wandering. It could be a good time for those who aspire to progress in spiritual pursuits.
The aspect on the 4th house is good for purchasing/buying a property, it is also good for those who aspire to go abroad for career/professional reasons. You can try in the coming year if you have interests in pursuing studies/career in a foreign country.
The aspect of jupiter on the 6th house will be good for growth in service however it is not much useful as jupiter is not passing through a good house. Saturn in 11th will be good for you provided you take good care of your health and pay attention to your own well-being.
Jupiter aspect on the 8th house along with 6th is good for giving protection from unforeseen dangers. You are advised to avoid unnecessary wandering and wasting your energy in useless pursuits. Spend some time on meditation and spiritual pursuits, spend some money for good cause, do some good karma during this period.
I’m meen rashi and in Nov, Jupiter will transit through 6th house so this means not great for job?
What can I expect when Jupiter transits meen rashi in 2022?
Namaste Shasha,
Jupiter will transit Meena rasi after 3rd Week of April 2022. Jupiter will transit through 12th house from your rasi if you are a Meena rasi person.
If jupiter in anyway aspects your 6th house/lord, 10th house or lord then it can be good for job/career.
Job predictions are personalized for each person based on their planetary position in the horoscopes. The transit predictions of Saturn/Jupiter are general predictions which will not be same for everyone as each person has a different planetary configuration in individual horoscope.
Sir; If jupiter is much afflicted in Natal chart, will he trigger & give good results in his transit over a Natal planet having good promise therein? Thanks. Regards.
Yes, It will give result if it is not afflicted in the Gochara/transit. Alternatively to get results of jupiter get bramhana bhojane seva done.
Thanks and regards
Ashish Desai