Choose right education stream through astrology
I wrote about career selection through astrology in my previous article very elaborately. We will talk about how to Choose right education stream through astrology in this article.
The 5th house in the birth horoscope represents “dhi”which means understanding, intellect or wisdom. The talents one inherits are due to the merits of past birth which come under the domain of the 5th house. 5th house represents purva punya, children, intelligence and general aptitude. Therefore the planets influencing the 5th house will indicate the aptitude of the jataka. Whether one has aptitude for arts, commerce or science can be known from the 5th house.
Whether your child will be expert in Shilpa Shastra, Artha shastra, Vyakaran shastra, Vedanga or any of the 64 arts can be traced out from the influence of planets on the 5th house and 5th lord in his birth horoscope. The 2nd house is the house of Learning and speech and sanskara inherited from family. The 4th house and 9th house having benefic planets and endowed with strength will give one a good education and high learning.
A good astrologer can help your child discover his aptitude or education stream with the help of astrology.
Choose right Education stream through astrology
Subjects related to Planet sun
Mathematics, Metaphysics, knowledge of Medicines, Ayurveda, Healing, Solar science, Statistics, Astronomy, History, and studies related to politics come under the domain of sun.
Subjects related to Planet Moon
Knowledge of fine arts, poetry, music, dance, Psychology, psychiatry, herbs, Ayurveda, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy, biology, Hospitality, Nursing, fisheries, liquid related studies come under the domain of the moon.
Subjects related to Planet Mars
All types of Engineering, manufacturing, Logic related studies, Construction, Fire-related, Blacksmith, Arms & Ammunition, outdoor sports etc come under the domain of Mars.
Subjects related to Planet Mercury
Journalism, Acting, stand-up comedy, Theater, Radio, Book-keeping & Accountancy, Library studies, Company secretary, Trade and Commerce, Astrology and all kind of communication-related subjects come under the domain of Mercury.
Subjects related to Planet Jupiter
Classical literature, Vedanga, Jyotish, Mantra Shastra, paurohitya, Philosophy, Sanskrit, History, Management, Higher Finance, Economics, Biology, and Law come under the domain of Jupiter.
Subjects related to Planet Venus
Humanities, Fine arts, Music, Botany, Horticulture, Painting, Music, Dance, Fashion designing, Interiors, Architecture, Travel & Tourism, Aviation, Graphics, Visuals etc come under the domain of Planet Venus.
Subjects related to Planet Saturn
History, Archaeology, Mining, Petroleum, Geology, Geography, Constitution, Law, Engineering related to construction, Study of Ores, Minerals fall under Domain of planet Saturn.
Subjects Related to Rahu & Ketu
They will give results in connection with other planets more prominently. Higher psychology, Metaphysics, Aviation, Film industry, Aerospace, Aeronautical, Engineering, Computers, Languages, Robotics to some extent, Mantra Shastra, Tantra, and deep research works come under domain of Rahu & Ketu. They will acutely exaggerate the karakatwa of other planets when conjunct with them.
How to Choose right education stream through astrology
- Identify the planets influencing the 5th house and 5th lord which will help in finding the aptitude of children.
- Identify the planets influencing 2nd house, 4th house and 9th house and lords of the horoscope this will give an idea about the certain pattern and the level of education one can accomplish.
- Identify the planets connected to 10th house or lord to check if jataka has any special skills required for professional success.
- 5th from Karakamsha also gives clues to special talents.
- Check which is the strongest planet among those influencing the 5th house and strength of 5th lord.
- Check dasha pattern to see if dasha is supporting such talents during years of education.
- Nature of signs and nakshatras also give clues about stream of education.
- Make sure to check the status of horoscope and strength of lagna, sun, and moon before predicting anything.
Let us take a horoscope to illustrate the above points.

The horoscope belongs to a very successful lawyer having a roaring practice for 30+ years now. He is also a very good astrologer who studied astrology from a very reputed institute in India. This case-study is from my personal horoscope collection.
Look at the 5th lord venus in rashi of jupiter and aspected by Jupiter, 5th house in horoscope is also aspected by jupiter. Exalted saturn in 5th house from lagna and its aspect on 5th lord combined with jupiter is clearly indicating law.
5th house from moon also has aspect of jupiter and 5th lord is in 8th house from moon in scorpio which indicates occult.
It is always better to check your horoscope in order to identify innate abilities and natural aptitudes at an early stage of life as it gives a scope for optimum development by making the right choices.
Are you confused about Career choices? What is the right education stream for you according to your horoscope? Take our Education/career consultation service today. Drop an email to or get in touch Via whatsapp clicking the link below.