C-Section Muhurat – Astrology and Cesarean Births
With the advancement in medical science and technology C-section births by muhurat has become a trend today and a lot of people are opting for C-section muhurat taking help of astrology. People are making use of the advanced medical techniques to plan their babies with the help of astrology and in the hope that their babies will bring luck to them or become famous and bring name fame to family. Some want their babies to become doctors, engineers, politicians, actors and ask for Auspicious C-section muhurat accordingly from astrologers.
The advantages of C-section Muhurat are
- Freewill to choose auspicious birth time.
- Less painful than normal delivery.
- Planned delivery with less scope for problems to child and mother both.
- Quick discharge after C-section delivery.
Disadvantages of C-section muhurat
- May not be cost-effective.
- High chances of PostPartum Depression for mothers. This should be seriously discussed.
- Mother has to sacrifice the joy of having natural delivery which is more dear to them.
- Cesarean delivery is not always necessary but doctors push for this as hospitals earn more money and quick discharge times leaving scope for taking many patients.
- May sometimes happen at a bad time if not planned properly, blame your karma if this has happened.

Will I have a lucky baby by selecting a Auspicious C-section Muhurat ?
The answer is both No and yes,
One thing that people should understand is the “promise in the horscope for such children”
Children are seen from the 5th house in the horoscope. The 5th is the house of past karmas, fruits of past karmas, so one should understand that he will enjoy the fruits of his own past karmas in form of children who will be good or bad. Do not blame children for being bad, understand first that it is your own karma that you had such a child.
Some times people have crippled children who do not grow mentally or some are born with a defect or long term illness, we should understand that it is the part of our own karma that we had such children and there is a certain rinanubandha with them which after discharged properly the child leaves or passes away or your journey ends, we should perform our duties properly and dissolve the undischarged debts.
Neverthless we can alter our destiny to some extent but cannot escape the sufferings of the karmas done in the past. Every human in this universe has been given freewill with which he can alter his future or plan his future or do good karmas in future, If a crimninal like “valya” can become sage “Valmiki” and write Sacred Ramayan later, hope to improve exists for all be it in this birth or in the subsequent births but we should not stop doing good.

We can alter the destiny of children with cesarean births to some extent but cannot change the basic promise of children in the parents horoscope. As the punishment of a criminal can be waived off by high court to some extent if the criminal is found to be behaving very nicely and shows symptoms of being a good citizen and responsible person in future our sins can also be burned with proper conduct and worship of god to some extent but you will definitely have to suffer what you have done in the past, as every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
We cannot completely change destiny of the coming child with C-section muhurat but can definitely plan to improve on some areas which we want. Example good education, good career and many such area. But always remember planning fails in front of the will of almighty often. So we should not even blame it on doctors and astrologers and accept it as a will of god.
If you are planning a baby consult an astrologer along with a Gynecologist for planning of baby, the former will help you in knowing the auspicious time frame for child birth in the next 9-10 months in advance and the later will help you to know how to go ahead with sex for more chances of conception.
Take step by step guidance from an astrologer and a gynecologist from pre-conception to post delivery, this is one of the best ways to plan a child rather than approaching an astrologer in the 7th month and getting a Auspicious C-section muhurat violating all precautions of medical experts and getting a cesarean baby in the 7th or 8th month if astrologer tells so. Only a foolish astrologer will tell you such a thing by being adamant, It is very risky for you if something wrong happens.
It is absolutely okay if you are looking for a C-section Muhurat if your doctor has give you a time frame to choose from, you can at such times consult an astrologer and ask the best day from the given 10-15 days, an astrologer at such time can help you choose an auspicious day along with good tithi, Lagna and planetary positions along with divisional charts atleast upto navamsha. A good birth horoscope with a good navamsha is absolutely enough.
Conclusion on astrology and cesarean birth :
- One cannot overcome the basic promise of children shown in the horoscopes of parents. Do not expect miracles by C-section muhurat, getting good children is also a result of good deeds in past lives and also how you bring them up after they are born, the samskaras imbibed in them since childhood shape up their personalities for future. Yes C-section muhurat can help you in altering certain bad areas.
- It is always better to consult an astrologer in advance before planning a baby and get a auspicious month first and try for conception rather than consulting astrologer in the 7th month and perform a c-section in the 7th month itself is some astrologer says so. It can prove dangerous for both the baby and the mother, otherwise it is fine if the doctor himself has given a time frame to you to make a choice.
- We can alter the destiny or child or say we can plan the future of the child in certain areas and getting a birth on such time which the planets support, we have certain amount of freewill only in this area which can be used for our betterment, this freewill is exactly equal to the proportion of good and bad things you have done till this day, the good things and worship may minimize the bad combinations of your horoscope and the bad things will increase your problems further. We cannot change the past but we can definitely work to improve the future.
- One should strictly avoid going for c-section muhurat or cesarean birth if the doctors are not suggesting it and always take professional guidance of expert doctors before taking such a decision. Do not be adamant for your own and your baby’s sake, everybody comes with his own destiny and you cannot change it but only alter it to some extent with your available freewill, effects of bad combinations can later be minimized by samskaras and making a habit of worship to children.
- Accept whatever happens later as the will of god rather than blaming doctors or astrologers later.
If you need a Auspicious C-section muhurat for delivery, ping on my mail jyotishresearch@gmail.com or You can also WhatsApp me here for consultations regarding Auspicious Cesarean birth muhurat services.
The charges are 3999/- INR or 70 USD for shubh muhurat for Cesarean delivery and there will be full support and any number of changes till delivery. I do not intend to take many C-section astrology consultations as it is time consuming and also requires me to devote too much time, considering how big a responsibility it is. I rather prefer to have 5 clients than 50 clients per month for C-section astrology so that I can be committed and focus on client satisfaction.
Don’t ask for free consultations or discounts as it takes my sadhane and lot of energy, time and work to do calculations and fix best C-section timings.
You can also read pregnancy nutrition article as we have teamed up with nutrition experts for benefit of pregnant mothers. Right food leads to right nutrition and prevent future health issues.
Shoot a message on my whatsapp number +91-9657569256, if you are looking for Auspicious c-section muhurat 2021.
I want to use your services for C section muhurt. Please send me details information
Namase Anup ji,
I have sent all C-section consultation detail on your email, please check the same.
Thank you
Ashish Desai.
Namaste Pankaj ji,
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Thank you.
Tell me ur charges or your address so that I can reach you in person for c section muhurat
Namaste Karthikeyan,
I had sent you an email with all the required details, Did not get any revert back.
Thank you.
Hello Guruji
Pls confirm me best lucky Date for Baby birth in June & July 2018 via Caesarian procedure
Namaste Gaurav,
Kindly opt for C-section Muhurta Consultations. Email me through contact for with the following details.
Place of birth of expected baby.
Birth details of parents
Due date and date range for giving auspicious timings.
Thanks and Regards,
Ashish Desai
Email Id please
Namaste Rukmini ji,
It is given on home page and contact page. I have sent you an email with details of C-section Muhurta. Please check your email id.
Thank you.
Namaste Gaurav/poonam ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations by sending following details through email given on contact page.
Provide me the cesarian date paid consultant charges.
Namaste Mahen ji,
Details sent to your email.
Thank you
My wife’s due date is nearing and Doctor has asked us to be ready for C-Section . Doctor has asked us to choose a date between 12-25 Feb 2018. Please help in suggesting an auspicious date.
Namaste Vikas,
Please opt for c-section consultation.
thank you.
My due date is in February as its c section delivery i need shubh mhurut for the delivery of my child
Its second child
Namaste Rajkumari ji,
Please opt for paid consultation for C-section Muhurta.
Please let me know the details of paid service for C-Section muhurt for the month of January 2018 ( 16th to 22nd january 2018).
Please email the details.
Namaste Caroline,
Replied back with the details on your email. Kindly check the same.
Please let me know the details of paid service for C-Section muhurt for the month of Jan-18 ( 15th to 23rd Nov).
Please email the details.
Namaste Ramesh ji,
Csection Consultation details have been emailed to you. Kindly check and revert.
Please let me know the details of paid service for C-Section muhurt for the month of Nov-17 ( 5th to 15th Nov).
Please email the details.
Namaste Barun ji,
I have sent the details of C-section Muhurta consultation on your email.
Thank you.
hi, wnt to know about the best date for c section delivery in november 2017, please mail the detail to mayanksinghrajawat@gmail.com. it would be great if you can send the details today itself, we have to give details to doctor by tommorrow.
Thanks in advance.
Namaste Mayank ji,
Reverted back to your email with details. It will take atleast 12hrs to 48hrs to send timings in case of emergency. Usually I send the timings within 3-5 working days in case of delivery taking place within a fortnight or month.
Thank and regards.
Ashish Desai.
Dear sir
Pls suggest me the best days for my pre planned c section delivery between 10th september2017 to 15th september 2017.My details as follows :
Date Range :10/09/2017 to 15/09/2017
Fathers DOB:02/03/1969 Howrah West Bengal
Mothers DOB:15/01/1980 10:10am.Howrah West Bengal
My Daughters DOB:06/07/2007 9:35am Howrah West Bengal.
Regards With
Rima Chatterjee.
Namaste Rima ji,
Kindly opt for Paid consultations for C-section Muhurta. I have sent you all the details in your email id.
Thanks and regards
Ashish Desai
Dear Sir,
Please suggest me the best days for my Pre-planned delivery between 12 Jun’17 to 18 Jun’17, as my doctor can’t risk of the labour pain due to my pelvic bone fracture.
My Details as follows:-
(EDD 3 July’17)
Date Range: 12 Jun’17 to 18 Jun’17
Father’s DOB: 10 Oct 1982, 16.10 pm kolkata, West Bengal.
Mother’s v DOB: 25 July 1986, 8.45 am, Nagpur, Maharashtra.
My Son’s DOB: 29 Nov 2012, 12.46 pm, Nagpur, Maharashtra.
Neha Mishra
Namaste Neha ji,
I have sent you a mail with consultation charges and details of C-section. Kindly go through the same.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
namaskar sir
february ke first week me c section ka sabse achha date or time kon sa h…
father – Anand kumar jha
mother-Sonam kumari
hill view hospital
Please opt for paid consultations.
Namaste, we are planning for C-section coming month February post 10th Feb onwards.kindly suggest suitable dates.opting for paid service. Please guide.
Namaste Prasad,
Consultations details have been emailed to you.
Thanks & Regards,
Ashish Desai.
I stay in New York and I am having a scheduled c section in the month of march 2017 I have been given 3 possible dates to choose from that is on 13,14,15. This is my second child and it’s a boy baby. Please help me to choose auspicious date. Thank you.
Namaste Sneha ji,
The consultation charges would be 51US$ but you can avail ongoing discounts and pay 30USD via paypal@ jyotishresearch@gmail.com
Kindly email me the details of both parents as well as expected place of birth of the child. The consultation will be don within 3-5 days of receipt of the payment.
My wife’s due date is nearing and Doctor has asked us to be ready for C-Section (as our first kid was through C-Section). Doctor has asked us to choose a date between 16-21 January 2017. Please help in suggesting an auspicious date. Please let me know the charges for same.
Namaste Manuj,
The csection consultation details have been sent to your email.
Hello my due date is 19 February, but due to medical reasons will be done c section from 1 – 12 February 2017. I live in Bangalore Karnataka. Could you please let me know good timing for c- section?
Kindly opt for paid consultations for C-section.
Hello Admin,
My wife’s due date is nearing and we are expecting it to be a C-section due to Baby’s position.
We wanted to know good dates with Maha-nakshatra and Gajakesari yoga in next 2-3 weeks.
Could you advise how to go about.
Namaste Kaushik ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations, I have sent all the details on your email address.
Namaste Kaushik ji,
I have already sent all the details on your email id, Choosing a mahanakshatra and gajakesari yoga has nothing to do with a strong horoscope. There are so many things to be considered for overall horoscope to be favorable. Nakshatra at birth only decides the dasha pattern, gajakesari yoga can at the most give comforts without struggle which means the person has enough to satisfy his needs not his greeds but people seldom understand this, eg:- a driver driving others vehicle too can have gajakesari yoga and gets comfort of driving a vehicle (you can definitely apply this principle to a driver of BMW, AUDI etc). The present gajakesari yoga will be fully diluted considering affliction of jupiter with rahu, aspect of saturn on it and its retrogression.
Namaste Chirag ji,
Details have been sent to your email, kindly check and confirm the same.
Ashish Desai.
My wife’s delivery due date 10 Nov 2015 Pl. Suggest good day and time for cesior in October last week or Nov 15 first week.
Namaste Deepak ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations, the details have been sent in the email.
My due date is 23 rd may 2016… Caeserian could be done from 1 st or second wk of may… My b date is 31 st Dec 1981 in pune…. Kindly advice mi perfect timing for baby also consider numerology pls…
Namaskar Swati ji,
Details about Muhurta consultations have been sent to you by email.
Ashish Desai.
My c section is due on 21 may 2015 please let me know d timings to schedule it. My dob is 29/09/1986 Calcutta 17.56 pm
Greetings Nitasha,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Ashish Desai.
Hello my due date is 17/05/2015, but due to medical reasons will be done c section from 09-15 May 2015. My Mother DOB 05/10/1985, Birth Place : Deesa, Uttar Gujarat, India. Time : 04:00 am.
Father DOB :13/11/1979, Birth Place : Patan, Uttar-Gujarat, India. Time 13:10.
Could you please let me know good timing for c- section?
Thanks & regard,
Aarti Modi
Greetings Aarti,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for the same.
Hello my due date is 17 April, but due to medical reasons will be done c section from 10-12 April 2015. I live in Minneapolis, MN, USA. Could you please let me know good timing for c- section?
Greetings Jayashri,
The consultation charges and all other details have been sent in the email, kindly check and revert back.
Ashish Desai.