An Auspicious time period of 48 minutes is defined as a Muhurta. Muhurta refers to application of astrological principles to find auspicious time for starting a certain event. Education/Vidya being one of the most important aspects of human life should begin on auspicious time during any given month and year. we will see auspicious muhurta for starting education in this article.
The sun in uttarayana is considered very auspicious for starting education. Uttarayana is the time period from Makar sankranti to Karka sankranti where sun transits in zodiac of Capricorn to Cancer which happens every year from January to July.

Venus and Jupiter should not be combust during starting of education, no websites talk about this. No shubha karya is done during guru shukra asta but people have forgotten wise age old principles.
All moveable nakshatras, all short nakshatras are considered good. Tithis 2/3/5/6/7/10/11,12 are considered good. Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays are considered good. Sunday and Mondays are neutral whereas Saturdays and Tuesdays should be avoided in choosing auspicious muhurta for starting education.
It is good to start education on odd years from birth. Rising ascendant should be of move-able signs with benefic planets in angles and malefic planets in upachaya houses. Transit moon should be passing through auspicious houses.
Further there are different auspicious muhurta for starting education in various specialization like Music, medicine, veda, philosophy, law, architecture, sports, arts, drama etc.
General muhurta given on websites are not applicable to every horoscope since every horoscope has unique planetary positions, unique dasha, antardasha, pratyantar dasha and carry unique promise of education.
A muhurta cannot over ride basic promise of education in a horoscope but can definitely give improvement upto 15-25% because basic promise contained in your horoscope is your prarabdha which needs to be liquidated and improving situation with remedies will further depend on the type of prarabdha dridha, dridha-adhridha and adhridha (fixed, partly changeable and totally changeable).
Anything started on a good muhurta definitely increases possibilities of success, whereas things started on bad muhurta definitely increase possibilities of failure on any activity.
Those who have good horoscopes ultimately start things on good timings without being told because it is their prarabdha to succeed and they have sad-buddhi to do things are the right time as if the universe is guiding them.
There are many other factors to be considered for choosing an auspicious muhurta for starting education. You can email us if you want to get a good muhurta for any purpose. Please do not ask for free services, such requests won’t be entertained.
My daughter bnd is 31 oct 1990 wamt to purse professional stdies.wat cn be best time to start.
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Thank you.
This is Sairamya my date of birth (01-06-1995). Can you tell me a good day for exam booking in June 1st week?
Thanking you.
5th and 6th June are good.
My son DOB.19/11/15.. Good day to start school in june
15th June Friday Vriddhi yoga, Shukla Dwitiya tithi is good. Nakshatra ardra, punarvasu both are good in morning and afternoon.
Hi sir,
My Son name is K.Goutham of birth is 30-09-2015.This year i was planning to join him in preschool.will u suggest me good date and good time to start.
Namaste Sudha ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for Educational muhurta.
How to choose for Abhyasa muhurtam. As there is no consultation mentioned in this blog. please guide.
You can drop an email through email id mentioned on contact page to get in touch with me, Whatsapp number is also mentioned, Consultations details will be sent on email.
Thank you.
Sir, My son is born on 19 Sep 2016 at 3:36pm. I plan to send him to pre-school from next month. Please advise the best muhurat to start his pre-school.
Kindly opt for paid consultations for Abhyasa muhurtam.
Sir, My daughter Date of Birth is 29th May, 2015; time is 10:06AM; Place of Birth: Bangalore. Please let me know auspicious dates in April & May 2018 for Aksharabyasam and also please advice which auspicious date she should start her education.
Namaste Pradeep ji,
She can start after Mercury is out of debilitation. Do check for guru/shukra asta before starting. Kindly opt for paid consultation to know about auspicious dates for aksharabhyasam.
Sir my daughter date of birth is 3rd december 2003 .She goes to 10th class .School reopens at 14th march.Is it a good day or not ?
Sir ,please give me remedies for good marks.
Akshar abhyasam muhurta is seen for starting education in early years primarily.
For getting good marks and improvement in concentration recite neel-saraswati stotra or saraswati dwadash naam daily.
Can you suggest good muhurta for school joining to my 2 grandsons in late April 2018. They live in Columbus , Ohio usa. Thanks
Namaste Subramanyam ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for getting Aksharabhyasam muhurta. You can get in touch with me through the email id given in contact page or whatsapp on the given number in contact page.
Thank you.
My daughter date of birth is 03/12/2002.Time 13:10.She has to take admission in 11grade.Which are auspicious dates?
Namaste Annu ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations.
Sir my daughter date of birth is 21.10.2014 time is 8.15pm.we are planning to send her school from this February. Kindly suggest a good day and good time.Thank you.
Namaste Kavitha ji,
Please opt for education Muhurta consultation or you can send her to school after 19th February onwards as shukra asta ends on 19th.
Thank you.
My daughter date of birth is 12.01.2014 time 05:13 pm. By January 2018 she is starting her school. Kindly advice which auspicious date she should start her education.
It is not good to Start education/new vidya learning during Guru and Shukra asta times. Shukra is Asta till February, so if possible start education after February 1st week.
For dates and good nakshatra kindly opt for paid consultation.