Cesarean births are quick, they are less painful, they allow freedom to choose birth time for your baby. These are the reasons why people prefer Auspicious cesarean muhurta for delivery.
Advancement in medical science has made it possible to deliver babies through C-section safely at any chosen time. People have become smart and started to make use of the free-will to make destiny of their child better. The matter of fate and free-will is still debatable and we are not concerned with it at this moment as the article is about practical demonstration on choosing an auspicious cesarean muhurta.
Finding an auspicious cesarean muhurta involves lot of hard work, persistence and patience on the part of astrologer. It is not as easy as just selecting a good day and tithi which people perceive it to be. Do not blindly trust websites which merely publish dates and time as Auspicious cesarean muhurta etc.
Steps to Find the Best Auspicious Cesarean Muhurta
The process of finding an auspicious cesarean muhurta starts from checking the horoscope of the parents to check whether the promise of good child exists in their horoscope or not followed by carefully checking transit of moon of mother and planetary positions during surgery, good days need to be chosen to ensure successful surgery without any complications.
A client usually comes to me and gives a time frame of 15-20 days to choose for the delivery baby as per the doctors suggestions, you can check the planetary positions in those 15-20 days to get an idea what can be in store for the new born child during these days, this planetary position cannot be changed or tweaked much, it is rather a challenging task for the astrologer to choose the best auspicious dates and time for cesarean delivery
Suppose in this 15-20 days 2-3 planets are in debilitation or 2-3 planets are badly afflicted, you cannot do much about it as that is the fate of the child to have such planetary positions but you can make sure that these planets are well placed from rising Lagna and Chandra kundali, there is an improvement in navamsha horoscope and dasha pattern is giving dashas of good planets atleast.
The luminaries the sun and the moon do not fall in the aspect and conjunctions of malefics in the birth horoscope and the navamsha kundali. First you find all good days with good tithi and yoga with such planetary positions then you move on to the task of choosing rising ascendant signs available during that day from where the planets are well placed.
Once you find a good rising ascendant satisfying all the conditions the next step is to narrow down the time frame to 10-14 minutes window finding good navamsha rising with good planetary placements. This is a basic structure of casting an Auspicious cesarean muhurta.
You futher check the dashas to ensure that they have good significations for longevity, education, career in the respective age when these things are supposed to happen, there will be obviously some or the other problems as everything good is never possible but we try to choose the best from the available resources.
The bad things which we cannot change irrespective of any fine tuning is just the the fate of the child which has to be accepted as free will is limited here to choose from a few days period where planetary positions have already been fixed with respect to signs and nakshatras, they cannot be altered to a large extent.
Below is an example of choosing an Auspicious cesarean muhurta. The time frame given was 1st September 2015 to 10th September 2015, now those who understand astrology can open almanac or any astrology software and check planetary positions in these 10 days.
You will find that Venus is Retrograde and will be getting back in direct motion on 7th September 2015. Those who are really Amateurs and have academic interest in astrology will clearly understand the significance of this. Venus will be very slow in motion and stationary 2-3days before getting into direct motion, so this is the time which should be avoided at any cost unless fate intervenes and delivery happens in those 2-3 days by the destiny of that child.
The houses ruled by venus and the karaktwa of venus will suffer most when it is in stationary motion which any well read and good astrologer will know. Retrograde motion is still okay than stationary motion.

Now the 1st week of september cannot be avoided even if venus is retrograde just because delivery can be expected in that time frame. Here the elimination of dates started like this.
- The 1st september had ganda yoga which is not favorable hence avoided. If it had exceptional planetary position, yoga could be ignored.
- 2nd September Krishna panchami, Vriddhi yoga, Moon in Aries had rashi parivartana with mars giving strength to debilitated mars due to parivartana, Vargottama moon was chosen. This date was chosen as an option as planetary positions were good. A good ascendent navamsha was narrowed down but venus retrograde could not be ignored here.
- 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th dates were avoided for sun would fall under rahu/ketu axis in the navamsha even though it is placed in Leo in the birth horoscope, moon was also under rahu/ketu axis in navamsha during some hours of the day. Venus would becomes slower in motion and stationary on 5th and 6th September hence these days were avoided.
- 7th Venus becomes direct, Siddhi yoga in operation in the morning hence morning time was chosen. In navamsha sun is under debilitation and aspected by saturn which cannot be avoided, Mars and saturn aspect each other directly in navamsha which will continue to be there which cannot be avoided for few days and delivery was fated to happen in this time frame. The good thing is moon was with venus in navamsha and directly aspected by exalted jupiter. The evils were balanced with well placed benefics.
- Moon nakshatra was carefully chosen to avoid bad dashas in early years, especially that of Venus which will signify 8,12 houses. Moon was in Rahu nakshatra at birth hence an ascendant where Rahu signifies good houses, followed by dasha of Jupiter and Saturn till 50 years of life of the child should be signifying good houses hence an ascendant where the significations will be good has to be chosen at the same time avoiding planets in 6,8,12 houses.
- Now you can check ascendants, planetary positions were such that some planets will definitely fall in the 6,8,12 houses except for 3/4 ascendants.
- The Ascendant chosen was Libra with Venus the lagna lord in 10th with Mars in 10th making a kuldeepak yoga though mars is under debilitation, it cannot be avoided it will remain in cancer for whole month. Jupiter and sun were in 11th forming a great dhanayoga with saturn the yoga karaka for Libra aspecting them. Moon placed in the 9th house in gemini, the rashi lord mercury is strong and self placed in exaltation in Virgo, so moon sign lord and Lagna lord are strong. Mercury 12th lord in 12th under rahu/ketu axis this could not be avoided, but mercury is close to degree of exaltation and as much as 10 degrees ahead of rahu having separating conjunctions. The horoscope with Auspicious cesarean muhurta has been posted above, kindly refer the same for planetary positions. The navamsha is posted below.

The navamsha is as shown above with all kendras having benefics, a debilitated sun aspected by saturn could not be avoided here but the 7th lord is well placed with a benefic moon aspected by jupiter balancing the negatives. This is just an example of casting a horoscope by choosing an auspicious cesarean muhurta with proper technical analysis, there is infact much more to it which has not been covered here like choosing dashas, checking significations of every dasha etc to choose a good pattern of life.
The wise person will consult a good astrologer to get an auspicious cesarean muhurta for his child’s better future instead of picking up random cesarean muhurta published by blogs which do not even take into consideration the planetary position, bhav chalit horoscope, planetary significations, navamsha horoscope etc.
When you spend a few thousands and probably lacs in surgery, it is always wise to spend a few thousand rupees in consulting astrologer to get auspicious Cesarean dates and timings.
Drop a mail to jyotishresearch@gmail.com for auspicious C-section birth Muhurta or get in touch on WhatsApp here. Below is a screenshot of one of my client’s feedback 4 years after he took c-section muhurta from me for both his children. By God’s grace both his children are doing well, it really gives me immense pleasure to receive such positive feedback and motivates me to do more good work.