Cesarean Birth Muhurat
Cesarean Birth Muhurat has become a normal practice and trend today for many reasons. With family planning and increasing age of mothers, stressed lifestyles it is not possible for many to deliver a child through natural way. C-section deliveries are planned deliveries by induced labor and quick as compared to natural deliveries. Motherhood is a very sentimental and emotional event for a women and she looks forward to it all her life.
All parents want their child to have the best in everything right from health, education, career, marriage. Some feel that their child will bring luck to their family and improve their status which is not wrong.
8 out of 10 deliveries happen through C-section now because Cesarean birth has become safer and more convenient for both hospitals and working women. C-section birth also gives free-will to parents to choose an auspicious birth time for their child, therefore they go to astrologers to get Auspicious Cesarean Muhurat.
Astrologer or Daivagnya is a nimitta through which the divine works, Here the first facto is astrologers cannot alter the destiny of parents if they do not have the basic promise of good children in their horoscopes. It means a strong 5th house, 5th lord and influence of benefic planets on 5th house blesses one with healthy and good children. Astrologers can however help you understand your karmic pattern and give you remedies which are prayaschitta to improve your karma and thereby the outcome. Improvement in your karma by yourself alone can alter your destiny.
Let me explain this with an example how destiny can be altered. Suppose a couple has badly placed 5th house, 5th lord and influence of bad planets, they are not destined to have a baby or destined to have unhealthy, diseased sick or bad child, the couple does good karma like poojas/vrat upasana/sankalpa seva for having a good child. They bear the fruits of such seva or remedies if done with faith and love. 5th house of children is all about purva-karma, they results of purva karma, hence good karmas give good results in form of good children.
Sometimes a couple is not able to have children due to doshas in their horoscope, a good daivagnya identifies the dosha and gives you remedies to mitigate it by doing prayaschitta. It is simply like a good doctor identify the cause of disease and giving you medicine to cure it. You meet a good doctor or a good daivagnya by your own good karma, otherwise you will keep fooling around.
If your doctor has suggested a Cesarean birth and if you want to choose a best c-section muhurta in the prescribed time frame given by the doctor, you can contact me for Cesarean birth muhurat.
Please do not try to plan your baby by risking your and your baby’s life if the doctor is denying cesarean birth, Take Guidance of medical professionals first as they know what is in the best interest for you and your baby’s health. Normal deliveries are very much possible even today though sometimes doctors also become greedy and push for c-section births.
NOTE :- It is always better to consult an astrologer before planning a baby 20-30 days in advance and try for a baby accordingly keeping in mind the dates for birth in the 9th month. Also consult a gynecologist to know about proper methods of conceptions along with astrologer, following this practical advice might help in proper planning.
Some web portals publish c-section or cesarean birth muhurat as follows:
11-February-2014 10:00 to 11:00hrs.
12-February-2014 14:00 to 15:00hrs
13th February 2014 17:00 to 19:00hrs.
Readers are requested to avoid these C-section muhurat because they are simply generalized and should be avoided for your own benefit, It is always beneficial to consult a good astrologer and get customized auspicious cesarean muhurat which is given after complete study and understanding of the planetary positions of any given time, the horoscopes of parents is checked for promise of child and transit of moon for fixing a good day of delivery for mother to avoid any complications.
People have multiple misconceptions like simply selecting a good date, or a good tithi, or a good Nakshatra alone suffices for Auspicious c-section muhurat. Regrettably this is not true. There are many many factors to consider while choosing auspicious cesarean muhurat.
One needs to find a good date, tithi, nakshatra, yoga, planetary combinations, ascendant and navamsha as bare minimum. Choosing a good ascendant, a good planetary position and navamsha is of utmost importance in casting a Auspicious Cesarean Muhurat. An auspicious cesarean birth muhurat is a sum total of everything mentioned above. Just having a birth on Moola Nakshatra for example won’t alter the destiny if other things are good, only 1st 48 ghatika or 1st Quarter of that Nakshatra is to be avoided generally.
Do not forget to read my article on C-section muhurat and C-section Muhurat Myths and Facts before consulting for auspicious cesarean birth muhurat.
What do you need to send for getting auspicious Cesarean birth Muhurat?
- Due date for delivery and for how many tentative days do you need the timings.
- Place of birth of the expected baby.
- Birth details of both mother and father to check promise of child in their horoscope and see moon transit for finalizing dates of surgery in horoscope of mother.
- Hospital working hours. (For e.g In USA and other countries Hospitals do C-sections during day time between 8:00hrs to 13:00hrs in 95% cases, that too only on weekdays).
- Day light savings (mention if DST has to be taken for countries where it is applicable).
What you will get in the C-section muhurat report :-
A good day which includes good tithi, yoga.
A good lagna/ascendant depending on the best planetary positions available on that particular day and fine tuned time upto a good navamsha within 10-15 minutes time frame. It is impossible to go beyond this, A good birth horoscope with a good navamsha is enough.
A well placed moon within the given time frame and a good nakshatra, more than the nakshatra of moon the dasha at birth is important as the moon holds the keys to unlock the path of life with the trend of mahadasha starting from moon nakshatra. The mahadashas hold the promise of fructifying good and bad yogas in the horoscope.
Good significations of planets w.r.t to health, longevity, education, financial prospects, overall general well-being. The best of whatever is available will be chosen.
A good Navamsha lagna will be chosen narrowing down the time frame to 10 minute window, A good birth horoscope and a good navamsha are enough.
Parashara Muni praises benefics in kendras and malefics in upachaya for example and kp says connection of 1st cuspal sublord to 1,5,9 is good for sound health and longevity, good dashas signifying 4,9,11 etc are good for education during years of education, such principles are adhered to where ever possible and the best available combinations and options are chosen for c-section or cesarean birth muhurat.
We will be giving you many options for best cesarean muhurat, but a child’s birth at that given time depends solely and entirely on the almighty and your doctors since there are emergencies when the delivery happens on the other time than decided earlier*.
For best Cesarean birth muhurta consult the astrologer at least 3 weeks in advance. Last moment consulting only reduces your chances of getting a good muhurta.
Book your Consultation for auspicious C-section Muhurta now.
Get in touch Via WhatsApp here for C-section astrology consultations.
How to make payment and how much are the consultation cost.
My wife’s due delivery date is 05. 01.2022
Namaste Vikram ji,
Replied to your email with the C-section consultation details and payment modes.
Thanks and regards
Ashish Desai
Please send details for paid consultation on Cesarean delivery.
Sir doc say c sect may be 20dec2016 what details u required
Namaste Nitin,
Kindly opt for paid consultation for c-section services.
Namaste Anupam,
Kindly opt for paid consultations for c-section muhurta. Please email me for more details about c-section via contact page. The consultation charges are given there on the contact page.
Dear Sir,
My birth chart is Magha Nakshatra, Simha Rasi. Till now I have failed in the creative career like designing, animaton. Will a career in airline transportation suit me ? I’m just asking on a general level. I’m not interested in management related jobs.
Will changing my name to Venus number/ Sun number help me ? \
Changing name to any number does not change destiny unless the planet governing that number is karaka for career in your horoscope and has enough strength to give results.
My due date is 14 July 2016 I am living in Ahmedabad.
Please suggest me best day and muhurat for delivery of baby.
T & R
Dipan Gajjar
Have emailed you the details to proceed for paid consultations.
Avishek Chanda, My wife name is Moumita Chanda,her c section delivery date is between 19 th April to 26 th April,2016.kindly send the Subh muhurat details.
Namaste Avishek ji,
All the details have been sent in the email, Kindly check your email.
Namaste Shekhar ji,
Procedure and Details for payment have been sent to your email address.
Hi sir,
Please let me know good time and day between April 5th and April 17th 2016 to get new baby.i will pay your fees for services.but I want very lucky date with time for my new child.
Namaste Shanmugam ji,
I can do whatever best I can from my side the rest is god’s will. I have sent you all the details in the email, kindly check and revert back.
My due date is 14 July 2016 I am living in Ahmedabad.
Please suggest me best day and muhurat for delivery of baby.
T & R
Dipan Gajjar
NAmaste Dipan ji,
Details about C-section have been sent on the email.
My due date is 14 July 2016 I am living in Thane Mumbai
Please suggest me best day and muhurat for cesarean delivery
Namaste Sarika ji,
I have sent the details in email, Kindly check and revert back.
Ashish Desai.
My ceasarean section is planned for 22nd february can u please give some appropriate time or better date?
NAmaste Sunita ji,
Details regarding C-Section have been sent on the email, Kindly check and revert back.
Ashish Desai.
My sister have some complications Dr suggested for Caesarian after this 20 fab what should we do…..is there any good mahurat and tithi
Namaste Nikhilesh ji,
Details regarding C-Section have been sent on the email, Kindly check and revert back.
Ashish Desai.
Namaste Sir,
Iam planning my c section delivery in bangalore this february.the dates would be from feb 18 to feb 26.pls let me know good dates and timings.
Namaste Hari ji,
I have already sent you an email with the details, Kindly check and revert back.
It would be good to know the details on the C-section muhurat service. We are not sure about c-section delivery, which needs to be confirmed with the doctor as she is due on 3rd Feb 2016. But once confirmed i am willing to take this opportunity and the rest lets leave it to the almighty. So please me all the required details.
Thanks with regards
Namaste Majumder ji,
I have emailed you the details, kindly check and revert back.
Thanks and regards,
Ashish Desai.
Hi Admin/Jyotish.
As per the doctor’s advice, we may have to select any date between 26th nov to 30th Nov 2015.
Please provide us good dates for baby birth.
Let me know about the charges.
Namaste Devang ji,
Details sent in the email.
Hi, My wife’s name is Prachiti, DOB is 30/10/86 and birthplace is dahisar, Mumbai. I may have to go for C section in November. Please let me know charges and details which you would expect to give me muhurat for the same.
Namaste Ghumre saheb,
Email with details on consultations has been sent. Kindly check and revert.
I need a good day and time between November 15th and 20th 2015.
Namaste Satish ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations, the details have sent in the email.
Hello Sir,
I need a c section muhurat after 27th June and before 6 July 2015. Could you please help me. Its a little urgent as I need to tell my doctor before 11am dubai time tomorrow
Namaste Lipika,
sent you an email.
Hi ,
I am trying to gey details for c section muhurut. Tried calling your india number.
pls revert with details to arunkat@gmail.com.
I am undergoing c section in June 2015 and the delivery dates are from 15th June to 21st June. I am looking for a good date with good time.
Greetings Dixita ji,
Kindly opt for paid consultations, The details have been sent on the email, kindly check and revert back.
Hi, I have my baby birth planned next month. The doctor has advised that it would be a C-section delivery and the dates cane be any day between 11th-28th Feb’15. Can you help me with various good time available for the same.
Am ready to pay the consultation as applicable to you
Greetings Abhishek,
Details have been sent by email, kindly check the same :).