Jupiter Transit 2022-2023 predictions

Jupiter has entered in its own sign Meena on 13th April 2022 where it will complete one complete parikrama of cycle of the Zodiac from its last entry into Meena in May 2010. We will see the jupiter transit 2022-2023 predictions for all the 12 zodiac signs one by one in this post. Jupiter is the most benefic planet among all the planets and it blesses everyone when strong, it gives prosperity and abundance through its blessings when well posited in the horoscope. Someone who does not have a good Read More …

Planetary combinations for Inter-caste or Inter-religion marriage

Now-a-days the inter-caste and inter-religion marriages have become easier and there has been an increase in such marriages and yet there are societies and family which do not accept such marriages. The question of inter-caste or inter-religion marriage lingers in the minds of many boys and girls as well as their parents. In this article, we will see the planetary combinations for Inter-caste or Inter-religion marriage. Jyotish is a wonderful tool to predict whether one will have inter-caste or inter-religion marriage. There are certain planetary combinations which indicate one’s marriage Read More …